upnotes-io / react-todo

A generic todo list componet for react. This is being used in an electron based app: https://upnotes.io
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Feature/enter press #26

Closed yeswanthannadata closed 1 year ago

yeswanthannadata commented 1 year ago

Implemented the enter press event in different scenarios as mentioned over the issue. Please review and reach out to me for any changes needed.

bhujoshi commented 1 year ago

@yeswanthannadata Your implementation looks good on the current code. But if you see the focus logic is broken. useEffect(() => { items[itemIndex].name.length < 2 && inputRef.current && inputRef.current.focus(); setItemText(items[itemIndex].name); }, []);

It will focus on the first element length < 2. Can you fix that as a separate PR? In place of a length check, you can use a variable to control the current focus element. Then you can simplify the current PR. the logic becomes simple like this. No need to use pushMeta.

const text = itemTitle.slice(0, cursorPosition); setItemText(itemTitle.slice(cursorPosition, itemTitle.length)); addItem({ name: text, uuid: uuid(), isComplete: false }); setFocus(itemIndex+1);

bhujoshi commented 1 year ago

@yeswanthannadata Thanks for your efforts. I have created a new ticket you can also pick this https://github.com/upnotes-io/react-todo/issues/30 as you already know things around the focus. Just add a comment on the ticket if you want to work on this.

bhujoshi commented 1 year ago

I am closing this due to a lack of activity. @yeswanthannadata Please raise a new PR if you want to continue.