upost / DeltaCamera

Simple Android App showing movement (delta frames) in images using Camera2 API using RenderScript.
Apache License 2.0
21 stars 1 forks source link

Segfault with Android 5.1 #3

Open xandro0777 opened 5 years ago

xandro0777 commented 5 years ago

it gets pretty fast, displaying the UI but crashes without any further user interaction. Hope this fragment of the logfile helps:

E/mm-camera-intf( 1821): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 10, stream type = 1
D/mm-camera-intf( 1821): mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb7435840 type: 1
D/mm-camera-intf( 1821): mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb7435840 type: 1
E/mm-camera( 1830): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_stream_on:1497 ide 10002 SENSOR_START_STREAM
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:822 any bundle started 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:832 s_bundle->stream_on_count 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:833 is_bundle_started 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:960 SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 960*720 mask 2
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_set_resolution:1897 Enter
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_set_resolution:1921 Requested width 960, height 720
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_set_resolution:1923 Requested stream mask 2 hfr mode 0 Cur fps 30.000000
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1683 Enter
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1702 Height 720 Width 960
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1719 req_asp_ratio 133 stream type 2
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1808 req_asp_ratio 133 sup_asp_ratio 133
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1812 fabs 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1808 req_asp_ratio 133 sup_asp_ratio 133
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1812 fabs 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1822 pick res 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_pick_resolution:1874 Exit
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_set_resolution:1932 Curr Res ID 8 New Res ID 1 New FPS 30.000000
V/WindowManager( 2234): IKSWL-6868 finishPostLayoutPolicyLw: mHideKeyguard=false mDismissKeyguard=0
V/WindowManager( 2234): IKSWL-6868 setKeyguardOccludedLw isOccluded=false wasOccluded=false showing=false
I/WindowManager( 2234): Screen frozen for +1s21ms due to Window{376f0d8a u0 Starting de.uwepost.android.deltacam}
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): sensor_set_resolution:2078 Exit
E/mm-camera( 1830): decide_isp_nums_camif: num_isp = 1
E/mm-camera( 1830): port_isp_module_event: E, identity = 0x10002, IFACE_SET_STREAM_CONFIG
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x0, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): chromatix_whitebalance_calibration:778 WB calibration data is invalid!
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): chromatix_whitebalance_calibration:778 WB calibration data is invalid!
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_config: tint_correction_strength updated to 4
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_update_chromatix_params: lib returned config err=0
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): mot_af_deinit: E
E/mm-camera( 1830): af_port_handle_set_roi_evt: map_input_roi_to_camif is_mapped_data=0
E/mm-camera( 1830): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x10002, STREAMON
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_set_parameters: Unsupported parameter:0
E/mm-camera( 1830): module_faceproc_port_event_func:493] STREAMON 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): module_faceproc_client_exec:820] 960x720
E/mm-camera-img( 1830): faceproc_comp_eng_config:1472] ###min_face_size 70
E/mm-camera-img( 1830): Face Album FILE EXISTS
E/mm-camera( 1830): c2d_module_handle_streamon_event:1222, identity=0x10002, stream-on done
E/AEC_PORT( 1830): ddd exp 0.033365 iso 346
E/mm-camera( 1830): cpp_hw_params_update_wnr_params:3348 invalid trigger input 0.000000
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_streamon: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, active_count = 0 flash=FALSE
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_proc_streamon: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_ch_util_sync_stream_cfg_to_channel: cannot find channel, Adding new channel for stream id 2
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_add_meta_channel: no meta data, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 10 current buffer count 10 for stream 2
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 29
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_axi_stream_set_skip_pattern: cannot find stream, session_id = 0, stream_id = 0
I/MotISP_VNR( 1830): setup:LiveLux dimensions: 960x720
E/SchedPolicy( 1830): sched_setscheduler failed: tid 14019, errno=1
E/SchedPolicy( 1830): sched_setscheduler failed: tid 14020, errno=1
E/SchedPolicy( 1830): sched_setscheduler failed: tid 14021, errno=1
E/SchedPolicy( 1830): sched_setscheduler failed: tid 14022, errno=1
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_hw_action: first start, hw thread for streamon/ack
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_thread_proc_cmd: start/stop, thread_data = 0xb8d5fbb0, action_code = 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_ch_util_streamon: session_id = 1, vfe_mask = 0x1, async streamon, rc = 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_hw_action: hw_thread for ack
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_config: cfg: 10x13 mesh, 4x4 subgrid, subgrid sz 28x28
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_mesh_config: lib returned mesh config err=0
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 29
E/mm-camera( 1830): color_xform_config_601_to_601 for stream Encoder
E/mm-camera( 1830): color_xform_config_601_to_601 for stream Viewfinder
E/mm-camera( 1830): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): mesh_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): color_correct_set_effect: saturation level = 1.000000, asd_saturae_adjust = 1.000000
E/mm-camera( 1830): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): sce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 1830): la_hist_trigger_update: luma target from AEC = 0! use default LA curve
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_stat_config: pointer okay 
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_config: cfg: camif 1280x960, elem sz 40x40, elems 24x32
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_tintless_stat_config: lib returned config err=0
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 29
E/mm-camera( 1830): stats_action_buf_config: cfg = 1, stats_mask = 0x7b8
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418109
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418108
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418107
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418105
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418104
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418103
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418102
E/mm-camera( 1830): stats_action: stats mask = 0x7b8
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000100, is_subscribe = 1
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_ch_util_streamon: session_id = 1, sync ack done
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_thread_proc_cmd: start/stop ack done, thread_data = 0xb8d5fbb0, action_code = 1, rc = 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): isp_streamon: X, session_id = 1, rc = 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): port_isp_send_streamon_done_event_downstream: notify stream done downstream
E/mm-camera( 1830): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x10002, STREAMON, ret = 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): ispif_proc_streamon: ispif_hw_reset done
E/mm-camera( 1830): stream id 2, stream num_meta 0
E/mm-camera( 1830): ispif_streamon: session_id = 1, active_streams = 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_stream_on:1915 ide 10002 SENSOR_START_STREAM
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_stream_on: Sending start bus message
E/mm-camera( 1830): start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread
D/QCameraParameters( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value off 0
D/QCameraParameters( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*):Batch parameter overwrite for param: 149
D/QCameraParameters( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 8, paramType: 149, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
E/mm-camera( 1830): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
E/mm-camera( 1830): af_port_handle_set_roi_evt: map_input_roi_to_camif is_mapped_data=0
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_set_parameters: Unsupported parameter:0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): module_sensor_event_control_set_parm:2554 CAM_INTF_PARM_LED_MODE 0 
E/mm-camera-sensor( 1830): 
D/QCameraParameters( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::startPreview(): X
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): X
I/QCameraHalWatchdog( 1821): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
I/QCameraHalWatchdog( 1821): Starting Watchdog Thread...
I/QCameraHalWatchdog( 1821): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
I/QCamera2HWI( 1821): getParameters standard
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 385321
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
E/mm-camera( 1830): la_hist_trigger_update: luma target from AEC = 0! use default LA curve
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::kpi_preview_stream_cb_routine(): CameraKpiTag: PREVIEW_START_TIME : 242
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 385356
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
E/MotISP_GPU( 1821): int MotISP_GPU::Init(int, int): GPU resolution: 960x720
E/QCamera2HWI( 1821): [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::preview_stream_cb_routine(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, qcamera::QCameraStream*, void*) : PROFILE_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.1_RB1. ()
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.00
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): Build Date: 02/11/15 Wed
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): Local Branch: 
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): Remote Branch: quic/LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.10
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno-EGL( 1821): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.1_RB1. + 62ca4eb + acd831d + 9f8b442 + e027a02 + cba30ba + 53c303a + a649d79 + 23e16f8 + 5e97da7 + cbd2a44 + 33d072a + 7aacf06 + 72b33e7 + 28f6f60 + b4c13d8 +  NOTHING
I/CameraDeviceState(13889): Legacy camera service transitioning to state CAPTURING
I/MotISP_VNR( 1830): tune:LiveLux max CPU freq change detected: 0 -> 1190400
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_FOCUSED
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 385391
D/QCameraParameters( 1821): updateFocusDistances: setting KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCES as 0.336465,0.411834,0.530714
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
D/QCamera2HWI( 1821): [KPI Perf] static void* qcamera::QCameraCbNotifier::cbNotifyRoutine(void*) : PROFILE_SENDING_FOCUS_EVT_TO APP
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
E/mm-camera-CORE( 1830): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
I/MotISP_VNR( 1830): tune:LiveLux ignoring possible dropped frame (30 -> 14)
W/Adreno-RS(13889): <rsdVendorAllocationUnMapQCOM:384>: NOT Found allocation map for alloc 0xa3afa000
W/Adreno-GSL(13889): <gsl_ldd_control:416>: ioctl fd 21 code 0xc01c0915 (IOCTL_KGSL_MAP_USER_MEM) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
W/Adreno-RS(13889): <rsdVendorAllocationMapQCOM:283>: gsl_memory_map_fd failed -5 hostptr: 0xa0d13000 sz: 0 offset: 0 flags: 0x10c0b00 alloc: 0xa3afa000 
F/libc    (13889): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 13922 (ndroid.deltacam)
F/libc    (13889): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) in tid 13921 (ndroid.deltacam)
I/libc    (13889): Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0
I/libc    (13889): Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0
I/WindowState( 2234): WIN DEATH: Window{30ce64ad u0 de.uwepost.android.deltacam/de.uwepost.android.deltacam.CameraActivity}
W/CameraService( 1821): Disconnecting camera client 0xb7506238 since the binder for it died (this pid 1821)
upost commented 5 years ago

cannot reproduce could be caused by an camera driver implementation bug on your device