uprm-inso4101-2023-2024-S1 / semester-project-fitquest-gameified-fitness-application

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Documentation Interface Requirements [Lecture Topic Task] #127

Closed AlfredoSoto1 closed 12 months ago

AlfredoSoto1 commented 1 year ago


Completar todos los puntos presentes a continuación. Fecha limite para completar el issue es para antes del 27 de noviembre. Recuerden que lo que se añada tiene que estar highlighted para que se denote la diferencia eso incluye lo que se valla a mejorar de la documentación que debe de estar highlighted de otro color al que se tiene al añadir lo nuevo.

Interface Requirements

AlfredoSoto1 commented 1 year ago

Recuerden que lo que se modifique en el documento tiene que ser de un color distinto a lo nuevo que se añada.

AlfredoSoto1 commented 1 year ago

Aqui les dejo el link al documento para que puedan actualizarlo https://docs.google.com/document/d/1STYnwFFMQANmVZkxhREbYkdxxjH-6x99r3gTli65Kqc/edit?usp=sharing

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

for the shared data initialization, i have made this graph image In the document, i shall elaborate further on the steps.

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

"For the shared data update facet, we consider the events when we need to update our shared date. These events might be when: the user gains experience or a new level, when the user makes a new exercise, when the user completes a level in the road map, or when the user gains an achievement. All of these events entail an update to the data that was previously stored, so they are sent to the database."

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

added this bit for the shared data update facet

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

"For the man-machine dialogue requirements, the system must provide clear communications when addressing the user. This applies includes, but is not limited to, the following scenarios: When providing the user instructions, when providing status updates of ongoing processes, when providing the user with updates to their profile (like when they reach a new level in the road map or when they gain a reward/achievement)." added this for man-machine dialogue.

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

"In the case of machine-machine dialogue, the system must provide and store all information using a specific format so that it may be stored in the database without causing problems." added this for machine-machine dialogue.

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

"Finally, for the physiological requirements, the system must indicate the user’s progress towards the next level using a green progress bar. It first starts off gray, but is filled with a green color that symbolizes how much progress the user has made towards their new level" added this for physiological requirements.

Chosen-Juan1 commented 12 months ago

Since i have completed the last point, I'm going to mark this task as done, but if other assignees have corrections or more information to add, please feel free to do so.