uprm-inso4101-2023-2024-s2 / semester-project-personalfinancemanager

semester-project-personalfinancemanager created by GitHub Classroom
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Improve M2 documentation in the area of "Derived goals" #343

Closed MiguelBorrero46 closed 4 months ago

MiguelBorrero46 commented 4 months ago

"Your primary goal is described by earlier sections like the current situation, the needs you identify, etc. Aside from your primary goal your project likely has some secondary goals."

Some comments to keep in mind:

"I do not see how the derived goals are derived: these seem to be very much in line with the primary goals. Derived goals would be distinctly different to the primary goals and at the same time attainable with little or no extra effort." [[1.5 Derived Goals]]

Priority: 5 Complexity: 2
