uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-campus-resource-and-event-management

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[Lecture Topic Task] Event-Driven Architecture for Notifications #329

Closed AlexisSantiago21 closed 1 week ago

AlexisSantiago21 commented 1 week ago

Assignees: Alexis M. Santiago Rivera

Objective: Design and implement an event-driven architecture to handle notifications for resource booking and event updates.

Description: This task involves designing an event-driven architecture to trigger notifications for users. It will handle events such as resource bookings, cancellations, and event reminders. The architecture will ensure that users are informed about changes in real-time.

Implementation Plan: Identify key events (e.g., booking confirmation, event reminders). Design a system to capture and handle these events. Implement the notification system using appropriate technologies (e.g., WebSockets, Firebase).

Subtasks: Define key events and triggers. Implement backend event handling. Integrate notifications with the frontend UI.

Link of Doc: https://sistemaupr-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/alexis_santiago9_upr_edu/EfGq-Ny2cNxJqgt6Zq8KbBwBEB4N6dF-7Z_FAnmXQByNWA?e=PW0GWv

AlexisSantiago21 commented 1 week ago

@AlexandraFuentes y @Adrianortiz-PR Can you close this issue?