uprm-inso4101-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-campus-resource-and-event-management

semester-project-campus-resource-and-event-management created by GitHub Classroom
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[Lecture Topic Task] Database Management - Design, Debug, and Test Data Storage #371

Open LuisJCruz opened 1 day ago

LuisJCruz commented 1 day ago

Objective: Create and manage the SQLite database for the project, ensuring tables are correctly structured and tested for functionality.

Description: This task involves creating the SQLite database and managing its schema to store application data. Debugging database-related errors (e.g., "no such column" or "UNIQUE constraint failed") is essential for smooth integration with the back-end APIs.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Design database schemas for events, users, and related tables.
  2. Implement scripts to create and seed the database with initial data.
  3. Debug common errors when interacting with the database (e.g., mismatched bindings, incorrect column names).
  4. Test database functionality by querying for data and verifying expected results.


  1. Write SQL scripts to create tables (events, users, preferences).
  2. Implement a function to seed sample data (e.g., events, users).
  3. Debug and resolve database errors during integration with the API.
  4. Test data retrieval and updates with API endpoints.
LuisJCruz commented 21 hours ago
