uprm-inso4115-2023-2024-s2 / semester-project-automated-resume-builder

semester-project-automated-resume-builder created by GitHub Classroom
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[Lecture Topic Task] Modeling UI/UX Domain Attributes #255

Closed Elielh17 closed 4 months ago

Elielh17 commented 5 months ago

Analyze the UI/UX aspects of the software by identifying and modeling domain attributes such as continuity/discreteness, statics/dynamics, and tangibility/intangibility, to ensure the software meets the users' expectations in terms of usability and experience.

Urgency: 5 Difficulty: 2

Elielh17 commented 4 months ago

Completed and added to the documentation on the Interface Requirements section the following:


Modeling UI/UX Domain Attributes Further Analysis and Recommendations:

  1. Continuity/Discreteness: • Analysis: The use of a consistent top navigation bar helps maintain user orientation across different stages. This design supports a discreet progression through distinct tasks while preserving a feeling of continuity within the user journey. • Recommendations: Introduce transitional animations that correspond to the user's progress, such as a loader that visually morphs into the next page's header. Utilize motion design to guide the user's focus from one task to another subtly, reducing cognitive load and enhancing the sense of flow.
  2. Statics/Dynamics: • Analysis: The dynamic nature of the UI is crucial in maintaining engagement, especially during data entry phases where input validation and feedback are immediate. • Recommendations: Implement micro interactions for every user action (e.g., filling fields, selecting options). These could include gentle pulsing of buttons when actions are available or subtle shading changes in input fields on focus. Also, use adaptive notifications that provide constructive feedback, such as success messages or error explanations, without needing to refresh or navigate away from the current task.
  3. Tangibility/Intangibility: • Analysis: The ability to download and print resumes bridges the digital creation with a physical document. However, users might also appreciate a clearer visualization of how these documents perform in real-world applications. • Recommendations: Develop a feature that allows users to simulate different scenarios where their resume might be viewed (e.g., under office lighting, on different paper types). Consider a virtual reality or augmented reality integration where users can see their resumes being handed over in a mock interview setting.