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[Lecture Topic Task] Milestone #3 - Documentation #107

Closed DiegoR1 closed 9 months ago

DiegoR1 commented 9 months ago

Link to documentation - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jCXWvUOukDFoYXiBgaM00rE7y0Ud7sh4LK1t3XuAdKQ/edit#heading=h.aczyuw2yex2w

DiegoR1 commented 9 months ago

Topics per developer:

  1. Diego Rosario
    • intention revialing interfaces
    • command-query separation
  2. Angelo Ruiz
    • Specification pattern
    • stand-alone classes
  3. Adhel Jose Rivera
    • side-effeect free functions
    • strategy pattern
  4. Fabian Perez
    • closure under operations
    • assertions
  5. Diego Rodriguez
    • other patterns
DiegoR1 commented 9 months ago

Hector Sotelo submitted the document for Milestone 3