uprm-inso4116-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-SafeRUM

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User Account Creation UI Development Using React Native #104

Open shenied-maldonado opened 1 week ago

shenied-maldonado commented 1 week ago


Develop the frontend components for the user account creation page.

Task Description

This task involves creating an account creation interface that allows users to create their profiles by adding personal details, uploading an optional profile picture, and creating their password. The page should include validation, error handling, and a user-friendly design.


Completing this task would involve handling client-side validation and error feedback as well as ensuring backend integration. That may include using React Native for frontend implementation and Python Flask API for backend integration.


  1. Develop input fields and form elements. User account creation should include input fields for name, email, password and an optional profile picture. That involves creating an image upload component with a preview feature for profile features. The page should include placeholders, labels and tooltips for user guidance.
  2. Implement client-side validation. User account creation should validate that the provided email address belongs to the upr.edu domain and validate for other input correctness (i.e., name format, password strength, etc.).
  3. Handle errors and provide user feedback. The page should communicate error messages for invalid emails and/or weak passwords as well as failed updates. To maintain intuitiveness and user-friendliness, the form should implement visual cues to highlight issues in the form. Provide success messages when updates are completed successfully.

Testing and Debugging

  1. Test and debug frontend components. Conduct unit tests to ensure all functionalities work as expected. Debug and refine as necessary.
  2. Test and debug backend API integration. Connect the user account creation page to the backend API for user data uploads. Conduct integration tests to ensure data flow between the frontend and the database is appropriately handled.


This feature should be fully implemented, tested, and deployed by the end of Milestone 2. By the end of Milestone 1, the form's input fields should be created. Validation can be treated as a separate task to complete on the next milestone.

shenied-maldonado commented 1 week ago

@williammartinez10 is taking charge of developing the sign-up components. @johnsantiago9 will continue development and validation afterwards while @williammartinez10 focuses on the login/landing page setup.