uprm-inso4116-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-SafeRUM

semester-project-safeRUM created by GitHub Classroom
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[Team Leader Task] - Admin Interfaces Team #222

Open YanehRuiz opened 1 week ago

YanehRuiz commented 1 week ago


To establish clear responsibilities for Leaders to enhance team communication, documentation, and overall project management effectiveness. This is their team leader task.

Task Description:

Leaders will be responsible for maintaining comprehensive records of meetings, facilitating regular discussions with team members and managers, tracking progress, and creating reports. This structure aims to ensure accountability, foster collaboration, and keep all team members aligned with project goals. Implementation:

Meeting Minutes: Leaders will document minutes during individual team meetings to capture key discussions and decisions.
Weekly Meetings: Schedule and conduct at least one weekly meeting with managers and a separate meeting with their respective  teams.
Progress Tracking: Utilize a logbook to monitor team members' weekly progress and contributions.
Reporting: Create weekly reports summarizing team accomplishments, noting any absences in contributions.
Issue Tracking: Include details in reports regarding progress on specific issues, outlining who worked on what and actions taken.


Set up a logbook format for tracking progress.
Designate responsibilities for documenting contributions and issues.
Feedback Sessions: Hold feedback sessions with team members to assess the effectiveness of meetings and reports.


Milestone 2

yadrielsamir commented 1 week ago
