uprm-inso4116-2024-2025-s1 / semester-project-multiplayer-dominoes

semester-project-multiplayer-dominoes created by GitHub Classroom
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[Lecture Topic Task] Making Implicit Concepts Explicit in the GameMode #261

Open nsfrontera opened 2 hours ago

nsfrontera commented 2 hours ago

This task connects to formalizing implicit gameplay strategies discussed in the lecture on Making Implicit Concepts Explicit by defining clear, programmable rules for the game mode. In the lecture, it was emphasized that implicit concepts often remain hidden within informal or intuitive actions, and it’s the job of developers to bring these concepts to the surface. By creating explicit rules for All Fives and Classic Dominoes, we translate strategic, experience-driven behaviors into precise models that can be understood, optimized, and implemented programmatically. This shift from implicit to explicit allows for deeper insights, cleaner game designs, and even the potential to refine or optimize strategies through computational means.

Tentative Points: Urgency: 4 Dificulty: 1

nsfrontera commented 2 hours ago

Classic Dominoes

  1. Maximizing Plays:
  1. Blocking Opponents:
  1. Maintaining Balance:

All Fives (Five-Up Dominoes)

  1. Scoring Multiples of Five:
  1. Setting Up for Future Points:
  1. Defensive Play:
nsfrontera commented 2 hours ago

added here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-2o4vkOfsq4Kawxui-LQCJ0FLmIJ0OVVLDwCQiRsUNI/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.vg3tj06pvlz7