uprm-inso4117-2023-2024-s2 / semester-project-uprmarketplace

semester-project-uprmarketplace created by GitHub Classroom
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Address Milestone 2 Feedback (Interface Requirements - All Requirements) #132

Closed BreannaGSegarra closed 4 months ago

BreannaGSegarra commented 5 months ago

Address the following feedback for the milestone 2 documentation:

Your interface requirements are not about what we consider to be the realm of interface requirements. Interface requirements are the requirements that govern the interface between the domain (the world out there) and the machine (the world in there). Just saying that it needs to be user friendly is not an actual requirement. You want to say here, for example, in what way does a new item-to-be-sold get entered into the system-to-be? Or, if the status of an item changes out in the world (the domain), how it that status change reflected back into the system-to-be? You could, for example, require (although it's not reasonable to do so) that an item is tied to be sold with the seller receiving payment through PayPal and that the receipt of payment triggers the change of status. This would be an interface requirement in the sense that it requires how a change that's observable out there in the domain reflects back into the system-to-be. Some of the interface requirements that you list can be salvaged, but some cannot. Go over all of them and review them.

Also review alongside task #133 the other requirements based on the professor's feedback.

Recommended Difficulty: 3 Recommended Urgency: 3