uprm-inso4117-2023-2024-s2 / semester-project-uprmarketplace

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Mutating Testing: Verify All Tests Pass After Source Code Modification #165

Open JoseLQV opened 5 months ago

JoseLQV commented 5 months ago

Scenario Overview: Describe the scenario where mutating testing is being conducted to check that all tests pass after modifying a specific spot in the source code. Include information about the purpose of the testing, the code segment to be modified, and the expected outcomes.

Testing Steps:

Modify one specific spot in the source code as specified. Check if the modified code compiles successfully. If not, mark it as eliminated from further testing. Run all tests against the modified code. Review the test results: If any tests fail, conclude that the test suite is strong enough to detect and eliminate the mutation. Alternative View: Consider whether the failed tests justify keeping the original source code position. If all tests pass, conclude that the test suite is not sensitive enough to detect the change. Alternative View: Consider whether the passed tests justify keeping the original source code position. Expected Deliverables:

Test results report indicating which tests passed and which failed after the code modification. Analysis of whether the test suite is strong enough to detect mutations or if it justifies the original source code position.