upsidr / merge-gatekeeper

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Gatekeeper misses failures in matrix jobs #27

Open allanlewis opened 2 years ago

allanlewis commented 2 years ago

I have a matrix job that tests a component in two configurations. When one fails, Merge Gatekeeper passes - the logs don't show my matrix jobs in the list reported for each status.

My matrix job is a Python library and is configured something like this:

    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
        tox-env: [env1, env2]
      fail-fast: false
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: tox -e ${{ matrix.tox-env }}
rytswd commented 2 years ago

HI @allanlewis - thanks for the report! We at Upsider do not use too much of matrix jobs, and this sounds like an oversight indeed. We will review this a bit more closely to see if we can fix this 👍

highb commented 2 years ago

We use matrix jobs extensively where I work (see Test Render jobs in screenshot), and in a super simple test case I am not able to repro this issue. I'm going to test it further in other more complex scenarios to be sure.


As an aside: Thank you very much for making this action open source! It is extremely useful!

allanlewis commented 2 years ago

Perhaps this was fixed in v1.0.2? Based on the date I raised this, I was probably using v1.0.1. Maybe #28?

highb commented 2 years ago

That could be! I'll continue testing this out on my pipelines and provide a report if I see the issue.

ajschmidt8 commented 1 year ago

My team is considering using merge-gatekeeper for matrix jobs. Can anyone confirm the latest status? Is the tool working for matrix jobs?

rytswd commented 1 year ago

Thanks all for providing insights! 🥰

I just did a quick test on my side, and it seems that the matrix job handling is working correctly given the recent updates. I have created a test PR in a separate repository, where you can see the matrix jobs are listed out correctly.


We will make updates to our documentation and add some example test cases to make it clear in this repository as well.

allanlewis commented 1 year ago

Is this now closed, based on the most recent comments? I'll try out v1.2.0...

rytswd commented 1 year ago

@allanlewis Yes, this should be sorted with the latest release (probably fixed from v1.1.1) 👍

Fitzbert-Fitz commented 10 months ago

Hi, just want ro report, that I encountered "this" issue today. We have follwoing setup:

CI Workflow

Merge Gatekeeper is running with a check interval of 5 seconds and using @v1. I assume this should ensure that it is using latest.

Job A and merge gatekeeper where triggered. Job A calculated the matrix but the Matrix was not yet started and therefore did not exist in GitHub at all. Merge gatekeeper passed because it only saw job A which was successful. A second later GitHub builds up the matrix based on the output of job A.

This happens occasionally and I will increase our check interval to mitigate.

Possible Solution: Merge Gatekeeper should not only check the state of all jobs it knows. It should also check the state of the parent workflow. Only if the Parent workflow state changes to successful it can stop checking for jobs and their states.