[ ] Update the firebase custom-element to just store and retreive the whole single document. Firebase will do smart partial upgrades over the wire anyways.
[ ] Using the app, re-write the Templates as Markdown (again, Article template in frontmatter)
type Model
= Loading
{ maybeZone : Maybe ( String, Time.Zone )
, maybeNow : Maybe Time.Posix
, maybeAccordion : Maybe Accordion
| Model
{ accordion : Accordion
, zone : ( String, Time.Zone )
, now : Time.Posix
type alias Accordion = --New!
{ history : List (IntentId, Action) }
type Action
= Name String
| Modify Article.Action
| Go Direction
| Insert Direction
| Delete
| Reset String
| Undo IntentId
type alias Accordion.ViewMode --New!
= Viewing
| Editing { viewingHistory : Bool, viewingMarkdownSource : Bool, viewingTemplates : Bool }
type alias Article =
{ id : String
, caption : { text : String, showsDate : Bool }
, info : Maybe InfoChoice
, body : BodyChoice
, shape : Shape
, fab : Maybe Fab
, additionalClasses : List String
, body : Markdown --New!
, templateArticleId : String --New! Will serve as initial data in case the article cannot be found
, directives : List (String, String) --New!
App Lifecycle:
Download accordion and find out the current time and timezone
Navigate to the current place
Draw the Accordion
Segments that are in view:
Is Article cached?
If it has an articleTemplateId, and we are previewing templates, -> view the template article instead
Draw the Segment with the corresponding Article
No: Draw a placeholder.
In any case, the Segment also draws a custom-element that listens to remote changes.
A new accordion version has arrived (locally ore remotely): replace the Accordion
A new article version has arrived (locally ore remotely): insert it into the Articles dict under its .id
Find result within in the list of articles
If article is not loaded, it's just the self-string
If article is loaded, insert its own directives
Stage I
Last-write-wins; single version, online-only
Article is represented as markdown content; Segment is represented in corresponding md frontmatter as a series of Intents
Accordion is represented as a series of Intents
Accordion and Segment will condense their series of Intents into a single string
Stage II
Intent series are condensed on write
On each overwrite, the custom element creates an 'older version' diff and stores it in an additional document:
{id}.history (a series of (date, diff)) replaces {id}.template
Markdown package: https://mweiss.github.io/elm-rte-toolkit/#/examples/markdown An editor with customizable spec
Combined Parser/Printer package: https://elm.dmy.fr/packages/lue-bird/elm-morph Safely convert between narrower and broader types
To Do (Stage I)
is its own list of Actions and is rebuilt on every viewtoUnstyled
s with elm-multitool:App Lifecycle:
and find out the current time and timezoneview
the template article insteadupdate
dict under its.id
Stage I
Stage II
(a series of(date, diff)
) replaces{id}.template
Stage III
Stage IV