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"rehearsal" status of stages is not working on #1283

Closed helenvarley closed 3 months ago

helenvarley commented 3 months ago

on, i am able to enter stages for which i have audience-only access, when they are set to "rehearsal" status. "rehearsal" status should mean that only those with player access to the stage can enter.

it's working properly on dev-app - if i try to enter a stage that i don't have player access to and that has its status set to "rehearsal" it tells me that it's not currently open to the public and to come back later, see screengrab:

Screenshot from 2024-06-10 13:03:37

helenvarley commented 3 months ago

now i tried changing a stage that was created 23 days ago, where i only have audience access, to rehearsal status; & now it doesn't work for me to enter it. i'll try creating a new stage on both & dev-app, & setting it to rehearsal then log out & see if i can enter, because maybe the actual bug is only with newly created stages

helenvarley commented 3 months ago

ok the problem seems to be for new stages, created since the last updates - something must have changed within the last 23 days, as a stage created by my students 23 days ago is working as expected, i cannot enter it when it's set to rehearsal.

on both and dev-app, if i create a new stage and set it to rehearsal, then log out and try to enter it, i am able to enter it as audience.

on stages created 23 days ago or longer, where i only have audience access and the stage is in rehearsal mode, i cannot enter.

helenvarley commented 3 months ago

great - now on dev-app when i'm not logged in, i can't enter the test stage that is set in rehearsal mode :+1: