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Redis 6.2 will be EOL in August 2024 #183

Closed pboling closed 1 month ago

pboling commented 1 month ago

Path: /redis/overall/rediscompatibility

Will this be addressed in the Docs? How does Upstash plan to handle this? What do we need to do to prepare? Will we be able to provision new instances on newer versions of Redis?


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mdumandag commented 1 month ago

Upstash Redis is a Redis API/protocol compatible implementation written from scratch, so we do not use any of the Redis source code.

Therefore, EOL of Redis 6.2 will not affect us in any way, you will be able to use our product after that date without any change required in your or our side.

pboling commented 1 month ago

Seems like it will likely be the case that the client protocol 6.2 will go EOL at the same time, meaning that clients and tools, and especially language-specific SDKs, may drop support for protocol 6.2, which is what I understand Upstash uses. Is that not a concern? And if not, what makes it not so?

mdumandag commented 1 month ago

Redis protocol is not really tied to any Redis version, we support both RESP2 and RESP3 so, all the existing clients will continue to work

mdumandag commented 1 month ago

BTW, we say that we are compatible with Redis 6.2 because we support most of the commands in Redis 6.2. We do support lots of commands/new command arguments from the Redis 7 series as well, but not all of them yet

pboling commented 1 month ago

Thanks for explaining!! Seeing the number 6.2 with the increasing awareness of an EOL date associated with that number may cause alarm among your customers who don't understand all this nuance. Perhaps some of this can be summarized in a footnote where 6.2 is mentioned.