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JSON string is pretty-printed in the data browser #103

Closed mmmulani closed 1 month ago

mmmulani commented 1 month ago

When viewing a string that turns out to be JSON data (i.e. it was saved with JSON.stringify), the data browser pretty-prints it (i.e. displays it as though it was saved with JSON.stringify(..., null, 2))

This was unexpected for me as I thought our backend was saving the data incorrectly. I was able to confirm from the CLI that we were saving the JSON in a minimal format.

Overall I see the value in pretty printing the JSON here, but I wish I could toggle back to see exactly how it is being stored in Upstash.

ytkimirti commented 1 month ago

You are right, a pretty print switch would be better. I created a ticket for this, thanks for the feedback

mmmulani commented 1 month ago

oh after using the API more, it might be helpful to label it as automaticDeserialization? so that it corresponds to the JS API

ytkimirti commented 1 month ago

We changed how strings are shown in the databrowser, there is now a prettify button instead. Thank you for your suggestion

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