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https missing in endpoint url copy #113

Open selvakumardhivakar opened 2 months ago

selvakumardhivakar commented 2 months ago

I tried to click the clip(copy) button in the endpoint, and im not getting the https:// infront of the url. I know this is a silly thing to raise as issue, but because of this I spent 1hour to debug the error. (I'm new to upstash & coding)

Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 15 10 59
CahidArda commented 2 months ago

Hi @selvakumardhivakar,

The endpoint was written this way intentionally. This is because if you use TCP to connect to your redis instance, you don't need the https:// prefix.

To show how to use it over HTTP or with the SDKs, we have code samples on the Redis database page.

But we will look into how we can improve the user experience. Thanks for the feedback!