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REST API: Rate limit/Throttle/Burst protection on a client-level #15

Open wobedi opened 2 years ago

wobedi commented 2 years ago

Previous conversation


I am using your REST API read-only token in my web app. It is potentially used by thousands of untrusted clients concurrently.

They all use the same token.

There is a potential that one of these clients goes rogue, and starts hammering the API. This could lead to unexpected costs, and because the API is rate-limited on a DB level it could also impact service quality for the whole userbase.

I have experienced this before with another backend-as-a-service provider that used a similar auth setup. I had multiple instances of individual web clients going rogue and blasting the API, which impacted service quality and lead to unexpected costs.

One reason this could happen is e.g. a rogue chrome extension.

The feature request

One way to solve this could be to rate-limit/throttle/burst protect on a client level.

So each client could e.g. be throttled to x requests per second.

Here is an example from AWS: (doesn't need to be that fancy of course ;))

Thanks for being open to feedback!
