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Noticing timeouts with GEORADIUS and GEOADD #57

Open jointhejourney opened 1 year ago

jointhejourney commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I have provisioned a Redis instance through, and noticed GEORADIUS and GEOADD commands are timing out. If I start using Redis cloud, I have no issues, but would really like to stay within's network and make it work with Upstash.

Is there any way I can look up logs for my instance? Don't really know how to debug further here.


mdogan commented 1 year ago

Hi @jointhejourney; what's the exact error (log and stacktrace) are you getting? Also have you tried Upstash on AWS network too? Asking to understand if the issue happens inside only network or not.

jointhejourney commented 1 year ago

@mdogan that’s the thing, there’s no error or stacktrace — I am using ioredis and any geo requests just run until they timeout. I have manually configured a 10 second timeout.

I’ll give it a try on AWS and let you know if that works. Thanks.