upstash / roadmap

Build and deploy a roadmap voting app for your project/product.
MIT License
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Adding a down vote along with vote tracking #10

Open nobodykris opened 1 year ago

nobodykris commented 1 year ago

Adding a downvote feature can create a more balanced environment for your community. In addition to upvoting, users can downvote comments deemed inappropriate or unhelpful. This is essential in mitigating bullying or any other unwanted behavior, as it allows users to express their disapproval of certain content without resorting to inflammatory language or direct aggression. Adding a secondary feature to track the number of upvotes and downvotes on accounts will allow moderators and administrators to identify negative comments faster, allowing them to take appropriate action if necessary.

Overall, having this additional layer of control over conversations will help foster an environment where everyone feels welcomed and encouraged to express themselves freely and responsibly.

onurhan1337 commented 10 months ago

I fully support your stance on the issue and have taken action by creating a new PR that incorporates a downvote option along with several fixes. I am confident that this proposal will be received positively and lead to a more equitable environment for all users. You can checkout: