uptest-sc / uptest

"curl" for substrate runtime upgrade testing
7 stars 4 forks source link

Auto-test wip #101

Closed flipchan closed 11 months ago

flipchan commented 11 months ago

Still not working:

Pallet: "TransactionPayment"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "V1Ancient", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "V2", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "StorageVersion"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "Grandpa"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "Live", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "PendingPause", fields: [Field { name: Some("scheduled_at"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }, Field { name: Some("delay"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }], index: 1, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Paused", fields: [], index: 2, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "PendingResume", fields: [Field { name: Some("scheduled_at"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }, Field { name: Some("delay"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }], index: 3, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "State"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "ApplyExtrinsic", fields: [Field { name: None, ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("u32"), docs: [] }], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Finalization", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Initialization", fields: [], index: 2, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "ExecutionPhase"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 45, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "EventTopics"
Storage Item type StorageMap
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 18, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "Events"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 2, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "ExtrinsicData"
Storage Item type StorageMap
random input is: "not detected"

Need to add the remaining types..

Closes: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/98

Parts of this one: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/97

Bumps to 0.1.3, raise to 0.1.3 starts

Examples that target: [master feature solved by auto test]https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/92 [wip]https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/91