uptest-sc / uptest

"curl" for substrate runtime upgrade testing
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extra type support for auto-test #102

Closed flipchan closed 11 months ago

flipchan commented 11 months ago

Need to detect the following types: Currently we do not support all storage entry types

Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "V1Ancient", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "V2", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "StorageVersion"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "Grandpa"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "Live", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "PendingPause", fields: [Field { name: Some("scheduled_at"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }, Field { name: Some("delay"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }], index: 1, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Paused", fields: [], index: 2, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "PendingResume", fields: [Field { name: Some("scheduled_at"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }, Field { name: Some("delay"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }], index: 3, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "State"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "ApplyExtrinsic", fields: [Field { name: None, ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("u32"), docs: [] }], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Finalization", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Initialization", fields: [], index: 2, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "ExecutionPhase"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 45, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "EventTopics"
Storage Item type StorageMap
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 18, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "Events"
Storage Item type StorageValue
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 2, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "ExtrinsicData"
Storage Item type StorageMap
random input is: "not detected"```
flipchan commented 11 months ago

Checking following:

Pallet: "TransactionPayment"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "V1Ancient", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "V2", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "StorageVersion"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Variant detected!
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "Grandpa"
Raw Type: Tuple(TypeDefTuple { fields: [UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }] })
Storage Item name "Stalled"
Storage Item type StorageValue
tuple detected
random input is: "query_storage_map(Stalled)"

Pallet: "Grandpa"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "Live", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "PendingPause", fields: [Field { name: Some("scheduled_at"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }, Field { name: Some("delay"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }], index: 1, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Paused", fields: [], index: 2, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "PendingResume", fields: [Field { name: Some("scheduled_at"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }, Field { name: Some("delay"), ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("N"), docs: [] }], index: 3, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "State"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Variant detected!
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "ApplyExtrinsic", fields: [Field { name: None, ty: UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, type_name: Some("u32"), docs: [] }], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Finalization", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "Initialization", fields: [], index: 2, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "ExecutionPhase"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Variant detected!
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 45, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "EventTopics"
Storage Item type StorageMap
Type id is: TypeId { t: 18013183783749081848 }
found sequence!!
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 18, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "Events"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Type id is: TypeId { t: 18013183783749081848 }
found sequence!!
random input is: "not detected"

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 2, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "ExtrinsicData"
Storage Item type StorageMap
Type id is: TypeId { t: 18013183783749081848 }
found sequence!!
random input is: "not detected"
flipchan commented 11 months ago

cargo run --release -p uptest-examples --example generate_pallet_tests

flipchan commented 11 months ago
Pallet: "Grandpa"
Raw Type: Tuple(TypeDefTuple { fields: [UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }] })
Storage Item name "Stalled"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Tuple typeid: TypeId { t: 15628237302830864633 }
tuple detected
random input is: "let Query_chain_state = Grandpa.Stalled(); // query the StorageValue"


flipchan commented 11 months ago

untracked symbol... , Now SUPPORTS UNTRACKED SYMBOLS!!

error[E0599]: no method named `ty` found for reference `&[scale_info::interner::UntrackedSymbol<TypeId>]` in the current scope
   --> examples/examples/generate_pallet_tests.rs:101:55
101 |                 println!("Type: {:?}", value.fields().ty());
    |                                                       ^^ method not found in `&[UntrackedSymbol<TypeId>]`
flipchan commented 11 months ago

nice tuple output:

Pallet: "Grandpa"
Raw Type: Tuple(TypeDefTuple { fields: [UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }, UntrackedSymbol { id: 4, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> }] })
Storage Item name "Stalled"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Type definition of tuple output: 
tuple (
) // end of tuple
random input is: "let Query_chain_state = Grandpa.Stalled(); // query the StorageValue, output is a tuple of "
flipchan commented 11 months ago

Storage Variant storage entry support:

Pallet: "TransactionPayment"
Raw Type: Variant(TypeDefVariant { variants: [Variant { name: "V1Ancient", fields: [], index: 0, docs: [] }, Variant { name: "V2", fields: [], index: 1, docs: [] }] })
Storage Item name "StorageVersion"
Storage Item type StorageValue
Output could be any of the following:
random input is: "let Query_chain_state = TransactionPayment.StorageVersion(); // query the StorageValue "
flipchan commented 11 months ago

todo: Sequence type

flipchan commented 11 months ago

special storage value support

flipchan commented 11 months ago

Pallet: "System"
Raw Type: Sequence(TypeDefSequence { type_param: UntrackedSymbol { id: 45, marker: PhantomData<fn() -> core::any::TypeId> } })
Storage Item name "EventTopics"
Storage Item type StorageMap
random input is: "let Query_chain_state = System.EventTopics(); // query the StorageMap | Sequence storage type"
``` will work for now
flipchan commented 11 months ago

lets mark that the sequence type as currently unstable

flipchan commented 11 months ago
