uptest-sc / uptest

"curl" for substrate runtime upgrade testing
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Track features for v0.1.2 #60

Closed flipchan closed 1 year ago

flipchan commented 1 year ago

Fixed storagevalue raw_type bug:


flipchan commented 1 year ago

beta, the pre built migration search : https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/64

flipchan commented 1 year ago


flipchan commented 1 year ago


flipchan commented 1 year ago


flipchan commented 1 year ago

fixed read_wasm binary found after the submit-runtime-upgrade script was publish https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/71

New function created to solve problems: https://github.com/uptest-sc/submit-runtime-upgrade/blob/main/src/main.rs#L23

flipchan commented 1 year ago

depricate chains/, not used https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/40

flipchan commented 1 year ago

removed read_wasm_binary and replace it:

- use libuptest::metadata::read_wasm_binary;
+ use libuptest::metadata::read_wasm_binary_correct;
flipchan commented 1 year ago

Uptest now supports compairing the old type and the new storage entry type https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/73

flipchan commented 1 year ago

depricate unused chains/ dir

flipchan commented 1 year ago

pallet_storage_diff struct added, storage-changes in cli working and new

flipchan commented 1 year ago

cli upgraded:

 ./target/release/uptest  -c ws://
Uptest command line tool
running ws host: "ws://"
Connected to chain
Gathered current storage types
Waiting for runtime upgrade
Runtime upgrade in block: 0xb91bc8ed09a7a3e0accbaa92720412f382f4ae211218acece279a251bd67189c
Having a coffee break before next block...
Scanning the new metadata for changes
Runtime upgraded from version: 108 to new version: 109
Pallet name:  "TemplateModule"
    Storage item name:  "Something" 
    Storage item type:  StorageValue 
    Old storage type:  Primitive(U32)
    New storage type: Primitive(U64)

Pallet name:  "TemplateModule"
    Storage item name:  "Something6" 
    Storage item type:  StorageValue 
    Old storage type:  Primitive(U128)
    New storage type: Primitive(Bool)
flipchan commented 1 year ago


flipchan commented 1 year ago

fixed all example code so it compiles: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/61

flipchan commented 1 year ago

Uptest code structure, moved uptest-cli to different folder, added readme for uptest-cli: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/78

flipchan commented 1 year ago

we have a delivery called "macro X" after doing some research, we decided to make into a callable function to make it more portable, feature flag + function created: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/82

flipchan commented 1 year ago

subxt feature introduced, libuptest::types::H256 is not compatible with subxt::utils::H256 pr: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/79

flipchan commented 1 year ago

input gen feature: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/77

flipchan commented 1 year ago


flipchan commented 1 year ago

Uptest release v0.1.2:

uptest-cli is now renamed to uptest-cli and not just "uptest". uptest-cli moved to its own subfolder with plans to seperate it to its own repo: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/78

Fixed bug #59, uptest can now properly detect the storage item type: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/59

Beta feature of migration search is live, feature allows you to automatically search for prewritten migrations in pallets: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/64

Submit runtime upgrade wasm file: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/65 In order to make debugging easier we have created a new repo that allows the user to submit runtime upgrades using a sudo transaction: https://github.com/uptest-sc/submit-runtime-upgrade

Uptest cli added feature chain-info: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/69 https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/70

Fixed bug that does not properly read the wasm file in libuptest:

- use libuptest::metadata::read_wasm_binary;
+ use libuptest::metadata::read_wasm_binary_correct;

Depricating the old function and added a new one: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/71

depricated the chains/ directory in libuptest: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/40

Uptest now supports compairing the old storage type(before upgrade) vs the new one(set after upgrade): https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/73

Patched storage-changes uptest-cli function

Public documentation updated: https://uptest-sc.github.io/

All example code has been fixed: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/61

Subxt H256 is now compatible with libuptest's H256: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/79

As a promised milestone 2 delivery, we have enabled libuptest to support automatically generating u128, u64, u32, u8, f64, f32, bool and accountid32 addresses. Making it easier for developers to create temporary values, used for debugging. https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/blob/main/examples/examples/test_input_gen.rs https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/77 https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/83 https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/8

subxthelper feature flag has now been added to all feature flags: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/pull/84

flipchan commented 1 year ago
