uptest-sc / uptest

"curl" for substrate runtime upgrade testing
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track features for v0.1.3/4 #87

Open flipchan opened 11 months ago

flipchan commented 11 months ago

Track all new features and changed for 1.3,

Previous feature threads:


flipchan commented 11 months ago

non case sensitive event search support, core lib addition: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/81

flipchan commented 11 months ago

set metadata type to Vec

flipchan commented 11 months ago

ascii lowercase match https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html#method.to_ascii_lowercase

flipchan commented 11 months ago

trigger error EventNotFound instead of returning a fake block hash

flipchan commented 11 months ago

Random input generator documentation: https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/93 https://uptest-sc.github.io/code_samples/random.html

flipchan commented 11 months ago


flipchan commented 11 months ago

[WIP]with 0.1.3 we want no code warnings https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/58

flipchan commented 11 months ago


flipchan commented 11 months ago

Auto-test master ticket https://github.com/uptest-sc/uptest/issues/97

flipchan commented 11 months ago


flipchan commented 8 months ago

published on gh but not crates.io

flipchan commented 7 months ago

Improved error handling, supporting subxt, serde_json, hex, anyhow, std io, fixed_hash, std error and reqwest no unwraps!! in core libuptest lib, however 2 unwraps due to thirdparties are in the code, one duee to the decoding lib and one due to the clap cli third party libraries better examples

flipchan commented 7 months ago

todo update site