uptrace / bun

SQL-first Golang ORM
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Add something like GORM's AutoMigrate #456

Open vmihailenco opened 2 years ago

vmihailenco commented 2 years ago

First, we should provide some unified way to inspect current database schema via using INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES or something similar. Then we can sync the database by comparing the actual database schema with available Go models.

ly95 commented 2 years ago


bevzzz commented 2 years ago

@vmihailenco I've been reading through the issues and noticed this one had help wanted on it. I only started to work with bun recently, but this seems like something I could try to do. Would you like some help with it?

vmihailenco commented 2 years ago

@bevzzz The help is welcome here, but you should be warned that this is not a small issue and it will probably require several weeks of work.

If you decide to work on this, my advice would be to learn how GORM AutoMigrate works and what we can learn from it. Writing your thoughts here so others can help would be the next step.

I did not have a chance to learn from GORM AutoMigrate yet, but I guess the plan should look like this:

  1. Improve Bun dialects with ability to inspect database schema, for example, pgdialect should be capable to return a list of tables with all columns. I would start with a single PostgreSQL dialect for now.

  2. Decide which operations we want to support, for example, we can start with 2 operations:

package pgdialect

func (Dialect) RenameColumn(...)
func (Dialect) ChangeColumnType(...)
  1. Use the database schema (step 1) to detect changes and apply commands from step 2 to auto-migrate the schema. Don't get too ambitious and only start with a single operation, for example, renaming a column.

Each step can be done separately so we have a chance to send feedback at the earlier stage.

Also pinging @dizzyfool and @LdDl who done some excellent work on https://github.com/dizzyfool/genna and https://github.com/LdDl/bungen and might be interested to help designing the API for step 1.

bevzzz commented 2 years ago

@vmihailenco Thanks for getting back in touch so quickly! Yes, you're right, bringing this feature will take some time and research, so I really appreciate the steps that you've suggested.
I will familiarize myself with the way it's done in GORM and get back with a proposed solution for the 2 operations you've mentioned.

P.S. I plan to start working on it on the next weekend, I guess we are not in a rush here, right?

vmihailenco commented 2 years ago

P.S. I plan to start working on it on the next weekend, I guess we are not in a rush here, right?

No rush for sure. Even making some progress on step 1) will make a change in the long run.

LdDl commented 1 year ago

TLDR: just bunch of SQL queries to extract reference information about Postgres tables and my first-look thoughts


p.s. Recently I was impressed by this project https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc . Could be very cool to add something like this for ORM purposes based on SQL migrations files...but I guess this sounds like a new topic?

vmihailenco commented 1 year ago

:+1: We need to start with something small and grow it up so it works at least for SQLite and Postgres which have a lot in common.

Most likely we should start by familiarizing ourselves with the API already provided by database/sql, e.g. https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql/driver#RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName

p.s. Recently I was impressed by this project https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc . Could be very cool to add something like this for ORM purposes based on SQL migrations files...but I guess this sounds like a new topic?

Yeah, projects like sqlc and Ents open a whole new world of code generation for you :)

bevzzz commented 1 year ago

@vmihailenco I wasn't able to look into that yet because I had a lot of work in the past couple of months.
I am still very interested in developing this feature -- I will be taking some time off soon to work on it :v:

vmihailenco commented 1 year ago

@bevzzz take your time :)

bevzzz commented 1 year ago

Here are my thoughts on how this feature could be implemented. It felt like a lot of ground to cover, so if some concepts need more clarification/discussion, please let me know.

I am planning to follow the steps suggested above, starting with Postgres:

1. Improve Bun dialects with ability to inspect database schema

For this step I think we'll need the following:

package inspect

type Inspector interface {
    Tables() []*Table
    HasTable(table interface{}) bool
    HasColumn(table interface{}, column string) bool

// Not sure if there should be an interface for that, can't think of different implementations
type Table struct {
    ParentSchema string
    Name         string
    Columns      []Column

// Each dialect can implement Column to handle the specifics
type Column interface {
    Type() *sql.ColumnType

    // Is the database column equivalent to the column definition in the Go-model?
    // Do we need to alter this column in migration?
    Equivalent(schema.Field) bool

    // Additional metadata that's not available in sql.ColumnType
    IsPK() bool
    IsAutoincrement() bool

2. Support RenameColumn and ChangeColumnType

Since Create/DropTable, Create/DropColumn, Create/DropIndex are already part of the IDB interface, I think the new methods for altering these objects would need to added to that interface for the sake of consistency. Doing an ALTER TABLE query is not auto-migration per se, so I wouldn't separate that into its own package.

package bun

type IDB interface {
    NewAlterTable() *AlterTableQuery
    NewAlterIndex() *AlterIndexQuery

type AlterTableQuery struct {}

func (q *AlterTableQuery) RenameColumn(...) {}

func (q *AlterTableQuery) ChangeColumnType(...) {}

Some related research and thoughts that I would like to get your opinion on:

Next steps: actual auto-migration

Despite how migration code is structured in GORM, I understand "auto-migration" as being this:

// Lives under migrate/auto
package auto

type Migrator interface {
    // SyncModels detects differences between Go-models and present database schema and resolves them
    SyncModels(ctx context.Context, models ...interface{})

Secondly, while this feature is useful in and of itself (for instance, to "initialize" the database on service start), the trouble I see with that is the "runtime" migration is that the history is not recorded and reverting it is not possible. So far my experience with auto-migrations was limited to Django's migrations, where running makemigrations results in a number of migration files (up/down) being generated.

Once we've got auto-migrations figured out, we could leverage the fact that all bun's queries implement Stringer and create "up" and "down" SQL-migration files for the user. Meanwhile, should these auto-migrations be somehow recorder or do we just treat them as being multiple ALTER/DROP/CREATE queries packaged in one method?

P.S.: I prefer SyncModels() over AutoMigrate() because it is more descriptive. Does that name sound fine to you, or do you think we should stick with the already-existing AutoMigrate?

On the side note:

I couldn't find a convenient mechanism in bun's API for specifying the schema to which a certain table belongs. Without it, it seems, our auto-migration would end up always creating new tables in the public schema (which is what dbfixture does).

It could be worked around with, e.g. BeforeCreateTableHook, but I feel like we should have a simpler solution (like adding a schema key in the bun: tag) for something so commonplace. What's your take on that? Should I create a separate issue for this feature?

bevzzz commented 1 year ago

Started working on ALTER TABLE query, that should cover a lot of the functionality we're missing for auto-migration.
As suggested above, we can introduce it as a separate feature before moving on with this topic.

Each step can be done separately so we have a chance to send feedback at the earlier stage.

The way I see it, the scope of ALTER TABLE functionality that we will need to support is defined by what users can specify in the model definition:

(Have I missed anything?*)

While it's not the first priority, I was thinking about the NewAddColumn() and NewDropColumn() methods that are already part of the bun.IDB API. Since bun is an SQL-first ORM, would it not make sense for those to be part of the AlterTableQuery rather than standalone statements? E.g.:

db.NewAlterTable().Model().AddColumn()  // ALTER TABLE model ADD COLUMN col
db.NewAlterTable().Model().DropColumn()  // ALTER TABLE model DROP COLUMN col

*There're also Table relations, but I haven' t gotten to that yet. I don't suppose bun creates FK-constraints when it sees a relationship defined between 2 models (or does it?). I will need to look at that later.

vmihailenco commented 1 year ago

Thanks for writing so many details :+1: I agree that we should start with adding a table inspector - perhaps just an ability to list columns in a table should be enough.

For this step I think we'll need the following:

Looks reasonable and it is hard to tell more without writing some code and getting your hands dirty. I would suggest to name the package sqlschema instead of inspect though.

Regarding the API, I expect to have something like:

import "github.com/uptrace/bun/sqlschema"

var db *bun.DB

inspector := sqlschema.NewInspector(db)

columns, err := inspector.Columns(ctx, tableName)
// err can be sqlschema.ErrNotExists if the table is missing
// columns is []sqlschema.Column

would it not make sense for those to be part of the AlterTableQuery rather than standalone statements? E.g.:

I think we need something like this to build SQL queries:


But it will get too complex very soon with RDMBS-specific features/options so we should also support something much simpler just for SyncModel:

var db *bun.DB

migrator := sqlschema.NewMigrator(db)

err := migrator.AddColumn(&somepkg.Column{
    Schema: "", // optional
    Table: "table_name",
    Column: "column_name",
    Type: ...,
err := migrator.DropColumn(col)
err := migrator.ChangeType(col, newType)

Underneath, it may use Bun API to generate the query or just generate and execute SQL directly.

It could be worked around with, e.g. BeforeCreateTableHook, but I feel like we should have a simpler solution (like adding a schema key in the bun: tag) for something so commonplace. What's your take on that? Should I create a separate issue for this feature?

It probably can be supported via a tag like you suggested bun:"schema:name", but I think we can safely ignore that detail for now. It should not affect the design.

bevzzz commented 1 year ago

I have created a draft PR (it is very much WIP) so that we could exchange ideas with specific code at hand. I'm also not sure if some of my code breaks the project's code style, so if it does, please let me know how I could change it.

It only includes ALTER TABLE functionality for now, just in case we want to ship that independently of auto-migration.
Once the remaining tasks here are finished and we agree on the API (it should accommodate the differences between the DBMS, and I haven't looked into that yet), I will add the documentation for this too.

Appreciate your suggestions a lot, and looking forward to hearing your feedback on the progress so-far!

vmihailenco commented 1 year ago

Just left a code review and some suggestions. Most of them are just thoughts from the top of my head so please be patient with me :)

And thanks for working on this!

bevzzz commented 1 year ago

Found this bug while working on it, so I guess I'll do a PR for that first, because I'd like to use some of the underlying functionality for ALTER TABLE too.

bevzzz commented 10 months ago

I opened a PR which adds schema inspection and RenameTable auto-migration to Postgres dialect.

I took a look at how GORM, ent, and django handle this and tried to come up with a solution that fits bun's existing APIs.

The scope of changes we want to support is pretty much that what can be described in a bun.Model:

The tricky part will be resolving dependencies between different migrations (e.g. create table before referencing it in an FK constraint).

Additionally, it would be nice to provide some options like: