upyun / slardar

Updating your upstream list and run lua scripts without reloading Nginx.
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The keepalive does not work #14

Closed oliveryunchang closed 7 years ago

oliveryunchang commented 7 years ago

When I change the number of keepalivein upstream.conf,found that it dose not improved performance(ab test, focus on the value or 'Requests per second').

And I found the email:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openresty/dKvnoHvvI3o, I suspect where the nginx is too old. So, I change the V_NGINX(nginx version) to 1.11.13 and change V_NGX_LUA_MODULE(lua-ngx-module) to 0.10.9rc5 for compatibility, and it worked!

V_PCRE=8.39 V_NGINX=1.11.13 V_LUAJIT=2.1-20150223 V_LUA_CJSON=2.1.0 V_NGX_LUA_MODULE=0.10.9rc5 V_CMSGPACK=f5b838ac552cbada957749d6938cd96a4e7a1f62 V_LUASOCKET=3.0-rc1