upyun / slardar

Updating your upstream list and run lua scripts without reloading Nginx.
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I install slardar and run nginx but got this #24

Closed towtooth closed 7 years ago

towtooth commented 7 years ago

nginx: [error] stream [lua] api.lua:30: get_kv_blocking(): get config from failed nginx: [error] init_by_lua_file error: /usr/local/slardar/nginx/app/src/stream/init.lua:13: Init config failed, aborting !!!! stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' /usr/local/slardar/nginx/app/src/stream/init.lua:13: in main chunk

how can i fix this?

yejingx commented 7 years ago

how can i fix this?

Is your consul running and working properly?

towtooth commented 7 years ago

No,seems like consul init failed but don't know why.Does not consul run with run nginx?

towtooth commented 7 years ago

em,i did't install consul,sry