uq-eresearch / AustESE

Australian Electronic Scholarly Editing project repository
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Exposing Data for External Analysis #159

Open tomcollinsandcompany opened 11 years ago

tomcollinsandcompany commented 11 years ago

Users need to be able to get at an edition's data wherever possible.

Tools such as Mandala Browser, Voyant Tools etc, could provide alternative modes of analysis if text is exposed in a format for such processing. There will be many more to choose from.

An AustESE edition must have the capacity to support such external processing/reading.

AnnaGerber commented 11 years ago

Paul has also asked about an API to let users of big data get easier access to texts

AnnaGerber commented 11 years ago

Also big button to download entire contents in a big zip file (drupal content, annotations, metadata, transcriptions, images etc)