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Reading View Slow to Load #299

Closed tomcollinsandcompany closed 10 years ago

tomcollinsandcompany commented 10 years ago

When large numbers of images are associated with an Artefact, the Reading View still takes much too long to load.

omad commented 10 years ago

Can you please include a link to a large example I can test with

tomcollinsandcompany commented 10 years ago

Both Such is Life and Nostromo reading views are slow to load, Nostromo especially.

Here is Such is Life: http://austese.net/reading/501f558adf8ede3655000000?project=22

Here is Nostromo: http://austese.net/reading/51ec7ef01b2632b337000000?project=24

omad commented 10 years ago

This should be much better now.

It's not as fast as I would like, but I've run out of time to work on it. The reading view in general needs a good working over now that there's real data.

tomcollinsandcompany commented 10 years ago

Yes, much better. Thanks.