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Unify method adapter and transformer #29

Closed estefaniamiguel closed 8 years ago

estefaniamiguel commented 9 years ago

Students get confused over where they should use transformer and where adapter. You can use -bindValueToProperty("fecha").transformer = new DateAdapter or -bindContentsToProperty("modeloCelular").transformer

But -bindContentsToProperty("modeloCelular").adapter does not exists

And on the selector we can do: -bindItems(new ObservableProperty(homeModelos, "modelos")).adapter = new PropertyAdapter(typeof(Modelo), "descripcionEntera")

I don't know if this is on purpose but it is so confusing... Can't we do anything about it?

fdodino commented 8 years ago

DateAdapter changed to DateTransformer. Now you should always use transformer object. The only exceptions are [selector and other kinds of] items:

val propiedadModelos = bindItems(new ObservableProperty(homeModelos, "modelos"))
propiedadModelos.adaptWith(typeof(Modelo), "descripcionEntera") // option A
propiedadModelos.adapter = new PropertyAdapter(typeof(Modelo), "descripcionEntera") // option B

That's because of the different nature of items vs. other widgets. If you try to define a transformer for an item

val propiedadModelos = bindItems(new ObservableProperty(homeModelos, "modelos"))
            propiedadModelos.transformer = new ValueTransformer<Modelo, String>() {

                override getModelType() {

                override getViewType() {

                override modelToView(Modelo valueFromModel) {

                override viewToModel(String valueFromView) {


you get this error:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Applying transformers to item bindings is currently not supported.
    at org.uqbar.lacar.ui.impl.jface.lists.JFaceItemsBindingBuilder.adaptWith(JFaceItemsBindingBuilder.java:32)
    at org.uqbar.lacar.ui.model.bindings.Binding$1.configure(Binding.java:59)
    at org.uqbar.lacar.ui.model.bindings.Binding.execute(Binding.java:127)
    at org.uqbar.arena.widgets.Widget.showOn(Widget.java:95)