uqfoundation / mystic

constrained nonlinear optimization for scientific machine learning, UQ, and AI
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portfolio optimization example - strange results. #128

Closed andrewczgithub closed 3 years ago

andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

Hi @mmckerns !!

Thank you so much for your help. I am trying to use mystic for a basic portfolio optimzation problem but i am getting strange results. observe the accurate example below and mystic's example.

def sharpe_ratio(x):
    return np.mean(x) / np.std(x)

#change to more accurate sharp ration - method of moments sharp ratio.

def zscore(x, window):
    r = x.rolling(window=window)
    m = r.mean().shift(1)
    s = r.std(ddof=0).shift(1)
    return (x-m)/s

class Portfolio:

    def __init__(self, returns, regularized=False, c=1e-6):
        self.returns = returns
        self.regularized = regularized
        self.c = c

    def fitness_function(self, weights):
        weighted_returns = calc_weighted_returns(self.returns, weights)
        neg_sharpe_ratio = -1 * sharpe_ratio(weighted_returns)
        penalty = self.c * np.linalg.norm(weights, ord=1)
        if self.regularized:
            return neg_sharpe_ratio
            return neg_sharpe_ratio + penalty
    #need to change to mystic
    def optimize_portfolio(self, display=False):
        num_strategies = self.returns.shape[1]
        initial_guess = [0.5] * num_strategies
        optimization_results = cma.fmin(
                self.fitness_function, initial_guess, 0.25, 
                options={'bounds':[0,1], 'verb_disp':display, 'tolfun':0.0001}
        return optimization_results[0]
#mystic test

from mystic.solvers import fmin

def sharpe_ratio(x):
    return np.mean(x) / np.std(x)

#change to more accurate sharp ration - method of moments sharp ratio.

def zscore(x, window):
    r = x.rolling(window=window)
    m = r.mean().shift(1)
    s = r.std(ddof=0).shift(1)
    return (x-m)/s

class Portfolio:

    def __init__(self, returns, regularized=False, c=1e-6):
        self.returns = returns
        self.regularized = regularized
        self.c = c

    def fitness_function(self, weights):
        weighted_returns = calc_weighted_returns(self.returns, weights)
        neg_sharpe_ratio = -1 * sharpe_ratio(weighted_returns)
        penalty = self.c * np.linalg.norm(weights, ord=1)
        if self.regularized:
            return neg_sharpe_ratio
            return neg_sharpe_ratio + penalty
    #need to change to mystic
    def optimize_portfolio(self, display=False):
        num_strategies = self.returns.shape[1]
        initial_guess = [0.5] * num_strategies
        optimization_results = fmin(
                self.fitness_function, initial_guess
               # options={'bounds':[0,1], 'verb_disp':display, 'tolfun':0.0001}
        return optimization_results[0]
import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation

def modified_z_score(ys, window):
    ys_arr = np.array(ys)
    ys_arrr = np.roll(ys_arr, window)
    median_y = np.median(ys_arrr)
    median_absolute_deviation_y = median_absolute_deviation(ys_arrr)
    z_score = 0.6745 * (ys_arrr - median_y) / median_absolute_deviation_y
    return z_score

strategies = pd.DataFrame(index=etf_returns.index)
strategy_returns = pd.DataFrame(index=etf_returns.index)

spy = etfs['SPY']
spy_returns = spy['Open'].pct_change().shift(-2)
strategies['SPY_5'] = modified_z_score(spy['Close'], 5) * -1
strategies['SPY_50'] = modified_z_score(spy['Close'], 50)
strategies['SPY_100'] = modified_z_score(spy['Close'], 100)

tlt = etfs['TLT']
tlt_returns = tlt['Open'].pct_change().shift(-2)
strategies['TLT_5'] = modified_z_score(tlt['Close'], 5) * -1
strategies['TLT_50'] = modified_z_score(tlt['Close'], 50)
strategies['TLT_100'] = modified_z_score(tlt['Close'], 100)

for column in strategies.columns:
    symbol = column[:3]
    if symbol == 'SPY':
        strategy_returns[column] = strategies[column].multiply(spy_returns)
    elif symbol == 'TLT':
        strategy_returns[column] = strategies[column].multiply(tlt_returns)

portfolio = Portfolio(strategy_returns)
results = portfolio.optimize_portfolio()
optimal_weights = pd.DataFrame(np.round(results, 2), index=strategy_returns.columns, columns=[''])
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

The result i get for the cma solver is -

-- | --
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

The result i get for mystic is -

-- | --
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

How do I use mystic to perform a global optimziation solver.

mmckerns commented 4 years ago

@andrewczgithub : fmin is not a global optimizer, so any result you are seeing is going to be due to at least the initial conditions (unless the function you are minimizing is convex). Within the use of fmin, there's a number of settings that can change how the solver progresses along a surface, for example you can change the size of the simplex, or the gradient tolerance, etc -- and if you use the class interface to the fmin solver, you can customize the solver even more, creating custom termination conditions and the like (see NelderMeadSimplexSolver). If you are looking for a global optimizer, you might want to try diffev (differential evolution) or buckshot (a pseudo-global ensemble optimizer).

I also encourage you to use a LoggingMonitor object and one of the monitor viewers to visualize how the solver is progressing -- this should give you a lot of insight into why you ar getting the results you are getting, and how to tweak the solver or solver parameters.

andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

Hi @mmckerns !! Thank you so much for your help!!

I will give the buckshot solver a try over the weekend.

Would you be able to give some advice abour how i would code the solver in the below class?

#mystic test

from mystic.solvers import fmin

def sharpe_ratio(x):
    return np.mean(x) / np.std(x)

#change to more accurate sharp ration - method of moments sharp ratio.

def zscore(x, window):
    r = x.rolling(window=window)
    m = r.mean().shift(1)
    s = r.std(ddof=0).shift(1)
    return (x-m)/s

class Portfolio:

    def __init__(self, returns, regularized=False, c=1e-6):
        self.returns = returns
        self.regularized = regularized
        self.c = c

    def fitness_function(self, weights):
        weighted_returns = calc_weighted_returns(self.returns, weights)
        neg_sharpe_ratio = -1 * sharpe_ratio(weighted_returns)
        penalty = self.c * np.linalg.norm(weights, ord=1)
        if self.regularized:
            return neg_sharpe_ratio
            return neg_sharpe_ratio + penalty
    #need to change to mystic
    def optimize_portfolio(self, display=False):
        num_strategies = self.returns.shape[1]
        initial_guess = [0.5] * num_strategies
        optimization_results = fmin(
                self.fitness_function, initial_guess
               # options={'bounds':[0,1], 'verb_disp':display, 'tolfun':0.0001}
        return optimization_results[0]
mmckerns commented 4 years ago

The documentation for fmin is here: https://github.com/uqfoundation/mystic/blob/master/mystic/scipy_optimize.py#L364. Your options above correspond to bounds, disp, and ftol.

andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

Hi @mmckerns !!

Thank you so much your help!! this is so interesting!! I am trying to use the buckshot algorithm for global optimzation.

This is my attempt below

#mystic test

from mystic.solvers import BuckshotSolver
lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]

# get monitors and termination condition objects
from mystic.monitors import Monitor
stepmon = Monitor()
from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT

# select the parallel launch configuration
from pyina.launchers import Mpi as Pool

def sharpe_ratio(x):
    return np.mean(x) / np.std(x)

#change to more accurate sharp ration - method of moments sharp ratio.

def zscore(x, window):
    r = x.rolling(window=window)
    m = r.mean().shift(1)
    s = r.std(ddof=0).shift(1)
    return (x-m)/s

class Portfolio:

    def __init__(self, returns, regularized=False, c=1e-6):
        self.returns = returns
        self.regularized = regularized
        self.c = c

    def fitness_function(self, weights):
        weighted_returns = calc_weighted_returns(self.returns, weights)
        neg_sharpe_ratio = -1 * sharpe_ratio(weighted_returns)
        penalty = self.c * np.linalg.norm(weights, ord=1)
        if self.regularized:
            return neg_sharpe_ratio
            return neg_sharpe_ratio + penalty
    #need to change to mystic
    def optimize_portfolio(self, display=False):
        num_strategies = self.returns.shape[1]
        initial_guess = [0.5] * num_strategies
        solver = BuckshotSolver(len(lb), npts)
        optimization_results = solver.Solve(

                self.fitness_function, initial_guess
               # options={'bounds':[0,1], 'verb_disp':display, 'tolfun':0.0001}
        return solver.Solution()
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

Hi @mmckerns ,

Just a question, should in not be using the below the get the global optimzation?


Best, Andrew

mmckerns commented 4 years ago

Buckshot (or the one-liner, buckshot) is probably a good choice. It's a pseudo-global solver. You will want to increase the number of solvers in the ensemble. The searcher you are referring to is typically used as an improved replacement for parameter sweeps. The searcher codes are used to find all minima and maxima, so you can efficiently and accurately learn/interpolate/estimate the unknown function surface.

andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

Hi @mmckerns !!

Thank you so much for your help!!

This is my first attempt at buckshot.

#mystic test

from mystic.solvers import BuckshotSolver
from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG

lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
ub = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
npts = 20

# get monitors and termination condition objects
from mystic.monitors import Monitor
stepmon = Monitor()
from mystic.termination import CandidateRelativeTolerance as CRT

# select the parallel launch configuration
from pyina.launchers import Mpi as Pool

def sharpe_ratio(x):
    return np.mean(x) / np.std(x)

#change to more accurate sharp ration - method of moments sharp ratio.

def zscore(x, window):
    r = x.rolling(window=window)
    m = r.mean().shift(1)
    s = r.std(ddof=0).shift(1)
    return (x-m)/s

class Portfolio:

    def __init__(self, returns, regularized=False, c=1e-6):
        self.returns = returns
        self.regularized = regularized
        self.c = c

    def fitness_function(self, weights):
        weighted_returns = calc_weighted_returns(self.returns, weights)
        neg_sharpe_ratio = -1 * sharpe_ratio(weighted_returns)
        penalty = self.c * np.linalg.norm(weights, ord=1)
        if self.regularized:
            return neg_sharpe_ratio
            return neg_sharpe_ratio + penalty
    #need to change to mystic
    def optimize_portfolio(self, display=False):
        num_strategies = self.returns.shape[1]
        initial_guess = [0.5] * num_strategies
        solver = BuckshotSolver(len(lb), npts)
        optimization_results = solver.Solve(

                self.fitness_function, initial_guess, 0.25,
            bounds=[0,1], ftol=0.005, disp =True

        return solver.Solution()
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago
import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation

def modified_z_score(ys, window):
    ys_arr = np.array(ys)
    ys_arrr = np.roll(ys_arr, window)
    median_y = np.median(ys_arrr)
    median_absolute_deviation_y = median_absolute_deviation(ys_arrr)
    z_score = 0.6745 * (ys_arrr - median_y) / median_absolute_deviation_y
    return z_score
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago
strategies = pd.DataFrame(index=etf_returns.index)
strategy_returns = pd.DataFrame(index=etf_returns.index)

spy = etfs['SPY']
spy_returns = spy['Open'].pct_change().shift(-2)
strategies['SPY_5'] = modified_z_score(spy['Close'], 5) * -1
strategies['SPY_50'] = modified_z_score(spy['Close'], 50)
strategies['SPY_100'] = modified_z_score(spy['Close'], 100)

tlt = etfs['TLT']
tlt_returns = tlt['Open'].pct_change().shift(-2)
strategies['TLT_5'] = modified_z_score(tlt['Close'], 5) * -1
strategies['TLT_50'] = modified_z_score(tlt['Close'], 50)
strategies['TLT_100'] = modified_z_score(tlt['Close'], 100)

for column in strategies.columns:
    symbol = column[:3]
    if symbol == 'SPY':
        strategy_returns[column] = strategies[column].multiply(spy_returns)
    elif symbol == 'TLT':
        strategy_returns[column] = strategies[column].multiply(tlt_returns)

ortfolio = Portfolio(strategy_returns)
results = portfolio.optimize_portfolio()
optimal_weights = pd.DataFrame(np.round(results, 2), index=strategy_returns.columns, columns=[''])
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

i get the below error

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 1 portfolio = Portfolio(strategy_returns) ----> 2 results = portfolio.optimize_portfolio() 3 optimal_weights = pd.DataFrame(np.round(results, 2), index=strategy_returns.columns, columns=['']) 4 optimal_weights in optimize_portfolio(self, display) 56 57 self.fitness_function, initial_guess, 0.25, ---> 58 bounds=[0,1], ftol=0.005, disp =True 59 60 ~/mystic/mystic/abstract_solver.py in Solve(self, cost, termination, ExtraArgs, **kwds) 930 931 # register: cost, termination, ExtraArgs --> 932 cost = self._bootstrap_objective(cost, ExtraArgs) 933 if termination is not None: self.SetTermination(termination) 934 #XXX: self.Step(cost, termination, ExtraArgs, **settings) ? ~/mystic/mystic/abstract_solver.py in _bootstrap_objective(self, cost, ExtraArgs) 734 return _cost 735 # 'wrap' the 'new' cost function with _decorate --> 736 self.SetObjective(cost, ExtraArgs) 737 return self._decorate_objective(*self._cost[1:]) 738 ~/mystic/mystic/abstract_solver.py in SetObjective(self, cost, ExtraArgs) 589 args = () if args is None else args 590 # quick validation check (so doesn't screw up internals) --> 591 if not isvalid(cost, [0]*self.nDim, *args): 592 try: name = cost.__name__ 593 except AttributeError: # raise new error for non-callables TypeError: isvalid() argument after * must be an iterable, not float
andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

The reference for the above strategy is below -


andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

I am not sure how to code the solver to be able to get the global minimum.

Best, Andrew

mmckerns commented 4 years ago

@andrewczgithub: if you check the documentation for Solve, the second argument is the termination condition, not the initial value. mystic.solvers.buckshot and Solve from a mystic.solvers.BuckshotSolver instance have different interfaces. You might want to check the examples directory in the GitHub repo for examples of how to use either of the two interfaces to the buckshot solver.

andrewczgithub commented 4 years ago

hey @mmckerns !! Ah ok Though which one am i supposed to use? What is the one liiner solver?

mmckerns commented 4 years ago

the one-liner is a function call wrapped around the solver class, where the function call mimics the spicy.optimize interface for solvers.

mmckerns commented 3 years ago

@andrewczgithub: I'm closing this issue. Please reopen if there's more to do here.