uqfoundation / pathos

parallel graph management and execution in heterogeneous computing
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how to run parallel computation on remote clusters requiring ssh authentication #170

Closed netfried closed 4 years ago

netfried commented 5 years ago

I want to run a parallel function on remote clusters yet i only manage to run it on my local cluster

I have 3 different clusters with 3 different host addresses. i tried to use the pathos package to run the computation on all 3 clusters together. Yet i only manage to use only the local cluster. all 3 clusters require SSH authentication with user_name and password. I didn't find a way to pass to the pathos api the user name and password of the remote clusters.

I even tried to open a tunnel from localhost:special_port to one of the remote clusters and run the pathos on server = localhost:special_port but it does not working ( pathos still runs only on local cluster).

what is the right way to do the operation described above?

from pathos.pools import ParallelPool as ppool
import sshtunnel
import paramiko

    with sshtunnel.open_tunnel(
            (remote_host, 22),
        remote_bind_address=(remote_host, 22),
        local_bind_address=('', 12345)) as tunnel:
        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        client.connect("", 12345, username=ssh_username, password=ssh_password)
p = ppool(processes=80, servers=("",), )

        x = [i for i in range(10000)]
        y = p.amap(inc, x)

        z = y.get()

def inc(x):
    return x**2
mmckerns commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the very late reply. There was a bug fix in #189 that may have impacted this issue. Also, I don't generally use paramiko, and instead use pathos own ssh tools, such as pathos.secure.tunnel (also see the pathos_connect script). Please reopen if this issue is not resolved.