uradotdesign / task-management

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transfer identihub.co from Anxhelo to Ura GitHub organization #23

Closed rskikuli closed 6 years ago

rskikuli commented 6 years ago

Right now the repo files of the identihub.co website (which is a Github page) are at @AnXh3L0 Github account. We need to transfer these files at Ura repo. @Borisbudini please overview the process to make sure that everything looks good.

Deadline: 6.12.2017.

elioqoshi commented 6 years ago

I'd give this a bit more time as we have higher priorities for now. This is more like housekeeping, not actual content. So let's push this down a week later, 13 December

AnXh3L0 commented 6 years ago

The files have been transferred from my GitHub page to Ura's repo and the paths/pages have been fixed. At the moment the page is being linked to identihub.co.

AnXh3L0 commented 6 years ago

Closing this since the process is done.