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Translate Ura website in other languages #57

Closed rskikuli closed 5 years ago

rskikuli commented 6 years ago

We need to work on making the new ura.design website (launched in 2018) easy to translate in other languages starting from German language.
Deadline: June 2018.

rskikuli commented 6 years ago

@Borisbudini we need to define the framework on how this is going to work. Can you please share some info on how this is going to work?

AnXh3L0 commented 6 years ago

I have found a Jekyll plugin for this @rskikuli : https://github.com/vwochnik/jekyll-language-plugin, will try to implement it asap without breaking existing functionalities.

elioqoshi commented 6 years ago

@AnXh3L0 Thanks!

Should we try to have a dev staging area for this? @Borisbudini

kominoshja commented 6 years ago

@AnXh3L0 So is this integratable with services that allow online contribution? @elioqoshi Yeah it seems about time to start this.

AnXh3L0 commented 6 years ago

@Borisbudini by default it is not, but I'll try to make it happen (for platforms like Hosted Weblate or similiar). Having a dev staging for this would be nice so I can experiment on it and then can easily push them to master when ready.

rskikuli commented 6 years ago

Would it be realistic to say that we will be able to have implemented the translation of the website in one more language in July 2018?

kominoshja commented 6 years ago

I'd say it would be realistic. We need to get started on this at the Work Week

elioqoshi commented 6 years ago

I'd hope sooner than July. Let's aim for having it l10n ready in April (needed infrastructure set up) and first language (German) up by end of May.

rskikuli commented 6 years ago

@Borisbudini an update on this?

marianaballa commented 6 years ago

After discussing with @rskikuli and @Borisbudini we will do the last planning on Monday 04.06.2018. After testing the website will be translated in Albanian by 1.07.2018.

elioqoshi commented 5 years ago

Might be a bit too much work and we need better content before translating. We could revisit this in 2019