urban-displacement / displacement-typologies

The Urban Displacement Project's Displacement Typology Map code
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Double check gentrification prioritization #94

Closed timathomas closed 3 years ago

timathomas commented 3 years ago

When we assign tracts to either gentrification or displacement categories, I thought we were prioritizing gentrification. So why would a tract that gentrified 2000-18 be ongoing displacement? This happens in Oakland with 4014 and 4018. Maybe others too.

timathomas commented 3 years ago


df['OD'] = 0
df['OD'] = np.where((df['pop00flag']==1)&
                          (df['lostli_18']==1), 1, 0)

df['OD_loss'] = np.where((df['pop00flag'].isna())|
                    (df['lostli_18'].isna()), np.nan, df['OD'])

df['OD'] = np.where((df['OD'] == 1)&(df['ARG']==1), 0, df['OD']) ### This is to account for double classification
df['OD'] = np.where((df['OD'] == 1)&(df['EOG']==1), 0, df['OD']) ### This is to account for double classification
timathomas commented 3 years ago

If defined as gentrified as 00_18, go to EOG and out of OD.