urbanadventurer / Android-PIN-Bruteforce

Unlock an Android phone (or device) by bruteforcing the lockscreen PIN. Turn your Kali Nethunter phone into a bruteforce PIN cracker for Android devices! (no root, no adb)
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NetHunter OK, /system/xbin/hid-keyboard not found [Mi 9T] #38

Open ErSeraph opened 3 years ago

ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

NetHunter succesfully installed, HID Attack from NetHunter app works very well.

/system/xbin/hid-keyboard not found when using Android-PIN-Bruteforce, where is this file?

urbanadventurer commented 3 years ago

Are you using an official release of NetHunter from https://www.kali.org/get-kali/#kali-mobile ?

Try this command to test whether you have the file but it was installed at an alternative location:

find / -name hid-keyboard 2>/dev/null

Note that if you are using NetHunter Lite or NetHunter Rootless you won't have HID support, which is required for that file.

ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

Yes, I have full Nethunter release official, my phone appear in the list.

I can actually use hid functions with official Nethunter App and an app called USB Keyboard from Nethunter Store.

I actually found a hid-keyboard file using Android terminal (so not Kali terminal) in /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin but I cant use it with Android-brute-force because is not the Kali terminal, but typeing "echo a | /data..." it work

urbanadventurer commented 3 years ago

Could you try editing the config file to include the following line:


I could guess that the difference between the Android terminal and Kali terminal is the PATH variable. You could check this with echo $PATH.

ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

Can't do this, because Android-brute-force is downloaded in Kali terminal, and Kali cannot access Android internal data

urbanadventurer commented 3 years ago

If the latest version of NetHunter has changed the installed location of hid-keyboard then I will need to change my script. In the meantime you could try these commands from the Android terminal as the root user:

mkdir -p /system/xbin/
cp /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin/hid-keyboard /system/xbin/hid-keyboard
chmod 755 /system/xbin/hid-keyboard
ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

For personal reason I had to wipe, but I will try this when I can. I don't know if it will work, because even if I copy hid-keyboard in the new xbin folder, Android-brute cannot access that folder because your script is in kali terminal and not in Android terminal, and Kali cannot access in Android data. I will try anyway 👍

urbanadventurer commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't understand why there is any difference between the two terminal apps. Are you using the root user account?

I may have to install the latest version of NetHunter to know what you are experiencing.

ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

Android contains Kali's data. Android contains hid-keyboard file. Kali contains /dev/hidgX. Android-PIN-bruteforce is downloaded in Kali (/home/kali/Desktop/)

As Kali contained IN Android, Kali cannot go up and reach the hid-keyboard file, with Kali I cannot literally go behind the home folder and reach hid-keyboard.

With Android I can go in /data/local/nh system/kalifs/home/kali/Desktop/Android-PIN... but cannot execute the script

ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

Sorry if this is difficult, Im not even good with English, its not easy

urbanadventurer commented 3 years ago

There are lots of people in the world who do not speak English as their native language. I'm happy that you want to try my code.

ErSeraph commented 3 years ago

Cannot copy, for error "Read-only file system"

Wahaj787 commented 3 years ago

I can help you with this erro :-)

rdtm443 commented 2 years ago

I can help you with this erro :-)

I have exactly the same error as OT, on Mi 9T Pro, mind helping me please (hidg0 and hidg1 are available, but hid-keyboard is not found)? :)

Wahaj787 commented 2 years ago

I can help you with this erro :-)

I have exactly the same error as OT, on Mi 9T Pro, mind helping me please (hidg0 and hidg1 are available, but hid-keyboard is not found)? :)

Test me on telegram @dunno_whoami

MasternodeBrasil commented 2 years ago

Any Solution for hid-keyboard out of reach?

Just copying it to /system/xbin/hid-keyboard doesn't work for me, I have numbers printed on the terminal nothing else and typed into adnroid

CydeSwype commented 2 years ago

For me I solved this by changing the path to /system/bin/hid in the config file.

Err, nevermind, this just results in a different error. The hid-keyboard file doesn't appear to be anywhere in this distro. Like the others, the USB keyboard app works perfectly, sending key strokes remotely. I just can't get this script to work because hid-keyboard isn't present. Any workaround to have it go through the same interface as whatever USB keyboard uses?

shadowctrl commented 2 years ago

Try copying /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin/hid-keyboard to /system/xbin/ using any root explorer. Worked for me in oneplus nord.

For /system partition read-only error use custom os. Nowadays by default all OS comes by read-only portion for /system.

Naster17 commented 1 year ago

How can I use/run this binary from chroot. During normal startup, an error is generated that the file was not found, although it is located. ./hid-keyboard

Please don't say anything right now. Check the path where you started it. Is there support for HID and blah blah blah. I have it all and it works. I need to run this binary from chroot. That's why I'm asking you because the usual methods don't work.

apertureless commented 1 year ago

Try copying /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin/hid-keyboard to /system/xbin/ using any root explorer. Worked for me in oneplus nord.

For /system partition read-only error use custom os. Nowadays by default all OS comes by read-only portion for /system.

Well does not work for me on Nethunter for OnePlus 3, because /system/ is read-only.

But you can copy the hid-keyboard to another location and it will work.

I first copied it with root terminal from /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin/hid-keyboard to /mnt/sdcard/Downloads.

And then in Kali chroot terminal I copied it from /sdcard/Downloads/ to /opt/ If you run into permission erros make sure it is executeable.

chmod +x /opt/hid-keyboard

Then just edit the config file vim /opt/Android-Pin-Bruteforce/config and change the location of hid-keyboard to /opt/hid-keyboard.

And it should work.

ente0v1 commented 7 months ago

Yes, I have full Nethunter release official, my phone appear in the list.

I can actually use hid functions with official Nethunter App and an app called USB Keyboard from Nethunter Store.

I actually found a hid-keyboard file using Android terminal (so not Kali terminal) in /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin but I cant use it with Android-brute-force because is not the Kali terminal, but typeing "echo a | /data..." it work

Could you please send me the executable file? Because I didn't find it on my Nothing Phone NetHunter

Lucifer-cm commented 4 months ago

I am using kali linux in vm there i cant find the hid-keyboard path can you help me to locate it

vsa77 commented 3 months ago

I am using kali linux in vm there i cant find the hid-keyboard path can you help me to locate it

It's located in a forum dedicated to Kali Linux.

We are discussing Kali Nethunter, which runs on Android.

pablocool commented 1 month ago

This is my solution for /system/xbin/hid-keyboard not found. This is old problem but hopefully someone still would make use of it.

In the nethunter phone start NH Terminal. By default it opens chrooted shell. We need additional android shell. Tap on 3 dots -> New Session -> New Root Shell. In Android Root Shell execute: mount -o remount,rw /system Then we may copy hid-keyboard to /system/xbin/ directory. For me it was: cp /data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/scripts/bin/hid-keyboard /system/xbin/ I saw above different source path so you can just try finding correct for you: find / -name hid-keyboard 2>/dev/null Next move to the chrooted terminal. hid-keyboard still won't work here because of missing shared libs. We need to fix that:

mkdir /apex
mount -o bind /system/apex /apex

Now hid-keyboard should work you can test it by simply executing:

Usage: /system/xbin/hid-keyboard devname mouse|keyboard|joystick
        keyboard options:

        keyboard values:
                [a-z] or [0-9] or
                a                       b
                c                       d
                e                       f
                g                       h
                i                       j
                k                       l
                m                       n
                o                       p
                q                       r
                s                       t
                u                       v
                w                       x
                y                       z
                1                       2
                3                       4
                5                       6
                7                       8
                9                       0
                return                  enter
                esc                     escape
                bckspc                  backspace
                tab                     space
                minus                   dash
                equals                  equal
                lbracket                rbracket
                backslash               hash
                number                  semicolon
                quote                   backquote
                tilde                   comma
                period                  stop
                slash                   caps-lock
                capslock                f1
                f2                      f3
                f4                      f5
                f6                      f7
                f8                      f9
                f10                     f11
                f12                     print
                scroll-lock             scrolllock
                pause                   insert
                home                    pageup
                pgup                    del
                delete                  end
                pagedown                pgdown
                right                   left
                down                    up
                num-lock                numlock
                kp-divide               kp-multiply
                kp-minus                kp-plus
                kp-enter                kp-return
                kp-1                    kp-2
                kp-3                    kp-4
                kp-5                    kp-6
                kp-7                    kp-8
                kp-9                    kp-0
                kp-period               kp-stop
                application             power
                kp-equals               kp-equal
                f13                     f14
                f15                     f16
                f17                     f18
                f19                     f20
                f21                     f22
                f23                     f24
                execute                 help
                menu                    select
                cancel                  redo
                undo                    cut
                copy                    paste
                find                    mute
                volume-up               volume-down

        mouse options:

        mouse values:
                Two signed numbers

        joystick options:

        joystick values:
                three signed numbers
--quit to close

It is good idea to update .bashrc file and at the bottom of it just add:

[ ! -d /apex ] && mkdir /apex
! mountpoint -q /apex && mount -o bind /system/apex /apex

Then after phone reboot after entering chrooted terminal just enter bash: bash And you can just start using hid-keyboard