urbanadventurer / WhatWeb

Next generation web scanner
GNU General Public License v2.0
5.2k stars 885 forks source link

TODO: lib/whatweb/scan: print something more useful #336

Open bcoles opened 3 years ago

bcoles commented 3 years ago
         # is it a valid domain?
            domain = Addressable::URI.parse(x)
            # check validity
            raise 'Unable to parse invalid target. No hostname.' if domain.host.empty?

            # convert IDN domain
            x = domain.normalize.to_s if domain.host !~ %r{^[a-zA-Z0-9\.:\/]*$}
          rescue => e
            # if it fails it's not valid
            x = nil
            # TODO: print something more useful
            error("Unable to parse invalid target #{x}: #{e}")