urbanadventurer / WhatWeb

Next generation web scanner
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Installation via Brew for Mac Users #401

Open oregonpillow opened 10 months ago

oregonpillow commented 10 months ago

Hi, before i proceed with this, i checked that no brew formula currently exists for whatweb and that the GPLv2 license would permit it to be uploaded to the brew package manager.

Is there a reason why up until now whatweb has not been offered as a brew package? If there's no objection I will try to create a brew formula for whatweb

urbanadventurer commented 10 months ago

There's no reason. Offering it as a brew package is a great idea! I'd be so happy for you to do this.

On Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 03:50, Timothy Pillow @.***> wrote:

Hi, before i proceed with this, i checked that no brew formula currently exists for whatweb and that the GPLv2 license would permit it to be uploaded to the brew package manager.

Is there a reason why up until now whatweb has not been offered as a brew package? If there's no objection I will try to create a brew formula for whatweb

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-- Kind regards, Andrew Horton

oregonpillow commented 10 months ago


First Brew pull but there is still the problem with the Ruby version for older macos versions. I actually tested on Monterey and i experience the same problem you mentioned for Catlina .

The fix is easy for Brew in practice, I just tell it to install a newer (adjacent) Ruby version (using Brew) for builds on Monterey or older and it works. The problem is that Brew is insistent on this being a bad practice, and despite the build being successful and working, it will fail CI tests or when I run brew audit --new-formula whatweb. I'll have to wait for their maintainers to recommend best action to take.

Regarding my Brew test, I'm not experienced with Ruby and any suggestions for a better test for basic app functionality when you run brew test whatweb would be highly welcome. Ideally integrating some of the existing unit tests you've already written might be good. But for now, just want to get something submitted and the only test i provided was checking the whatweb --version is expected