urbanairship / android-library

Urban Airship Android SDK
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Bintray has been sunset - Unable to resolve dependency #198

Closed ernesto-olalla closed 2 years ago

ernesto-olalla commented 2 years ago

I'm getting the following error when trying to compile my project that was working all fine a week ago and nothing has changed.

Could not HEAD 'https://urbanairship.bintray.com/android/com/urbanairship/android/urbanairship-core/14.0.1/urbanairship-core-14.0.1.pom'. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway

Apparently Bintray has been sunset and their servers are down since 1 of Dec


Do you have any alternative to Bintray?

rlepinski commented 2 years ago

Most of our packages are on maven central, but we use to use jcenter sync to sync them across which was unreliable. Looks like 14.0.1 is not on there, but 14.6.0 is on it if you want to move to the last 14.x release. If that is causing some issues with latest fcm packages you can also use 14.0.3