urbanairship / java-library

Java client library for the Urban Airship API
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No way to add custom headers to UrbanAirshipClient #102

Closed zhe-zhao closed 1 month ago

zhe-zhao commented 1 year ago

Issue statement

I am integrating to Airship platform behind an API proxy running in application layer. Hence have the need to add additional request headers to pass the proxy server authentication.

Didn't find a proper way of doing so as the UrbanAirshipClient always:

  1. Pick up headers from request.getRequestHeaders()
  2. Override Authorization header and X-UA-Appkey header value based on client config.


Feature request

Accept custom headers in the Client Builder class. So that one can easily pass through proxies & firewalls

martin-vct commented 1 year ago

Hi @zhe-zhao,

We have well noted your request about accepting custom headers. We'll check internally if this could be added in future updates.

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know we still have a way to setup the Client with Proxy: https://docs.airship.com/api/libraries/java/#configuration

Realm realm = new Realm.Builder("user", "password")

ProxyServer proxyServer = new ProxyServer.Builder("test.urbanairship.com", 8080)

AsyncRequestClient asyncRequestClient = AsyncRequestClient.newBuilder()

UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()