urbanairship / urbanairship-cordova

Urban Airship integration with Apache Cordova
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Any way to remove the project reference from PushNotificationPlugin.java? #29

Closed grigs closed 11 years ago

grigs commented 11 years ago

One of the things that tripped me up on a recent project was the fact that PushNotificationPlugin.java contains a line that must be modified on a project by project basis.

Specifically, line 23: https://github.com/urbanairship/phonegap-ua-push/blob/master/android-sample/src/com/urbanairship/phonegap/plugins/PushNotificationPlugin.java#L23

That line is hidden amongst a bunch of other import lines that don’t need to be modified.

Ideally, that line wouldn’t be in the plugin and the plugin would be the same from project to project. If that isn’t possible, it would be nice to separate out that line from the rest of the imports so that it is easier to identify as something that needs to be changed.

jtowle commented 11 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out. We've moved the receiver to the plugin package, so you won't need to make that change in the future.