urbanairship / urbanairship-cordova

Urban Airship integration with Apache Cordova
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Not Working UAPush.h File not Found #5

Closed snehasis closed 10 years ago

snehasis commented 11 years ago

I Just Installed the Current Version and Its giving me the Following Error while running in my Device.

UAPhonegapSample/Plugins/PushNotificationPlugin/PushNotificationPlugin.m:3:9: 'UAPush.h' file not found

ginilf commented 11 years ago

me too!

garrettg123 commented 11 years ago

Same here...

ckim commented 11 years ago


ginilf commented 11 years ago

Hi all, I changed my approach.. updated to the latest xcode, got the latest phonegap (2.3), got that working.. then followed the instructions on the urbanairship website to install the plugin and it worked. You need the Airship directory in your project directory and the header search path setup correctly. hope that helps.

djmattski commented 11 years ago

But sorry, ginilf, how exactly did you set up your header search paths?


ginilf commented 11 years ago

Hi, I've solved this issue some time ago. I believe the location of the Airship directory was the problem.

djmattski commented 11 years ago


whocreates commented 10 years ago

I appreciate that the issue is closed, but I just tried to integrate this plug-in (using the "automatic" method) and am receiving the same error.

rlepinski commented 10 years ago

This issue was created before the plugin followed the plugman spec. Make sure to rebuild each platform from the command line after adding the push plugin or the projects will not update. If you are still having issues please contact our support. support@urbanairship.com