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Text formatting issues (italics?) #100

Open isaacbw opened 1 year ago

isaacbw commented 1 year ago

Natalie: formatting question: please take a look at https://nameexplorer.urbanarchive.me/locations/p-s-149-q-the-christa-mc-auliffe-school-recuRjGIRJlsA5YpP#14/40.75528/-73.87443 the text in Air Table has the space shuttle names in italics (Challenger and Columbia), but they appear with the markup for italics on the front end (the underscores before and after the word, instead of just being in italics). can you fix this so we can display italics?

allthesignals commented 1 year ago

@isaacbw i have a version of this up. it's parsing some of the markdown, but not all, because Airtable doesn't support a standard version of Markdwon.

The workaround for this is to only italicize individual words by hightlighting only those words without any other spaces or other punctuation:

Wrong: Image

Right: Image

What's happening is that because Airtable has its own way of parsing Markdown, it supports a way of wrapping italicizing that includes space an punctuation:

_this is a sentence. _This...

But this is does not work in the standard markdown rendering libraries.