urbanarchive / qpl-name-explorer

White label site for QPL Name Explorer
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Create stories (10/15) #48

Open isaacbw opened 1 year ago

isaacbw commented 1 year ago

QPL is having a physical event on 10/22 that will go through some walking tours that they will create. Ben was thinking we could integrate it into their airtable through a separate "tours" tab.

Existing assets will be used to piece together a "story." Each stop will consist of an image and a description. The image asset will be taken from the existing assets, but the description will be different than the original asset description.

The way in which the story will be uploaded is up to you. Whatever is easiest! Different routes I've thought of (just ideas)


isaacbw commented 1 year ago

Using this UA story: https://www.urbanarchive.org/stories/7FuJrnTKTqi

Feature: The story will have a linear A->B->C labels with images and text. The images will be reused from existing assets, but the description will be different than the original asset description.

Feature: Story stops pin highlight as you scroll through content panel. (the A) is red while the others are not


isaacbw commented 1 year ago

Feature: The stop's header stays at the top as you scroll through content panel. Stuytown-Peter Cooper Village will stay pinned until the user scrolls to stop B


isaacbw commented 1 year ago

Feature: Selecting a stop on the map will move the content panel to that specific stop

isaacbw commented 1 year ago

Feature: The story will have a linear A->B->C labels corresponding to a specific order defined by QPL (order won't change)

isaacbw commented 1 year ago

Feature: walking directions line, include sidebar directions ex. https://docs.mapbox.com/playground/directions/


isaacbw commented 1 year ago

They need at least 1 story to be able to demo by 10/10. It will probably be super simple with like 5 images that need to be connected in a specific sequence