urbandroid-team / dont-kill-my-app

Android vendors, don't kill my app!
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Samsung Android 11: ChimeraPolicyHandler killing foreground services #307

Open ge0rg opened 3 years ago

ge0rg commented 3 years ago

After upgrading my Galaxy A51 from Android 10 to Android 11, it has started periodically (or randomly) killing my two XMPP client apps, yaxim and Bruno, despite both having a permanent (and visible) foreground service notification.

Ironically, the OS recognizes those kills as a crash and immediately restarts the app, causing a large amount of unneeded network traffic:

03-22 08:55:09.470  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : org.yaxim.bruno, freed: 34707, 10202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.585  5028 11722 I ActivityManager: Process org.yaxim.bruno (pid 4548) has died: prcp FGS (175,635)
03-22 08:55:09.586  5028 11722 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service org.yaxim.bruno/org.yaxim.androidclient.service.XMPPService in 1000ms for start-requested

Even more ironically, it also keeps resurrecting (auto-starting) apps that I have manually force-stopped before.

The ChimeraPolicyHandler seems to be a job running multiple times per hour in the system_server process. ps shows:

system         5028   4601 12953324 266152 0                  0 S system_server

Full log of one ChimeraPolicyHandler run:

03-22 08:55:09.288  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Start executePolicy: TRIGGER_SOURCE_HOME_IDLE
03-22 08:55:09.293  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: memAvailable: 750256, memFreeTarget: 890880, releaseTarget:140624, protectedLruCount: 6
03-22 08:55:09.403  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: NORMAL
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, 10230[20349,14885]:G1(0x1) score=55,7(23 40 127100), pids: 20349 14885 / stats: 10 5 / adjs: 800 100 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.samsung.android.oneconnect, elapsed: 00:54:50, interval: 04:00:00, 10255[12960,13390]:G1(0x1) score=33,4(35 10 67797), pids: 12960 13390 / stats: 8 8 / adjs: 200 200 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.vending, 10226[25018]:G1(0x1) score=13,0(3 5 51575), pids: 25018 / stats: 12 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.systemui, 10054[10714]:G2(0x20000) score=76,0(65 10 240771), pids: 10714 / stats: 5 / adjs: -800 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.ext.services, 10080[24237,24270]:G2(0x20000) score=48,5(43 40 27866), pids: 24237 24270 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.as, 10284[24194,24200]:G2(0x20000) score=42,9(34 40 19282), pids: 24194 24200 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.dynamiclock, 10070[21726]:G2(0x20000) score=34,0(15 40 18505), pids: 21726 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui, 1001[27531]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(48 5 36007), pids: 27531 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.location.nsflp2, 5013[11278]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(57 5 10969), pids: 11278 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.knox.containercore, 5250[11455]:G2(0x20002) score=28,6(53 5 6891), pids: 11455 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.server.wifi.mobilewips, 1000[5432]:G2(0x20002) score=28,5(50 5 14599), pids: 5432 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.410  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.beaconmanager, 5006[19846]:G2(0x20002) score=28,2(52 5 7092), pids: 19846 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.410  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.epdg, 1000[17442]:G2(0x20002) score=27,9(49 5 13754), pids: 17442 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.411  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.kde.kdeconnect_tp, 10393[14802]:G2(0x8) score=27,8(26 20 22970), pids: 14802 / stats: 4 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.414  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.themecenter, 1000[10830]:G2(0x20002) score=27,6(51 5 6306), pids: 10830 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.415  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: org.yaxim.bruno, elapsed: 00:52:29, interval: 04:00:00, 10202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.416  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.sec.android.easyonehand, elapsed: 00:51:40, interval: 04:00:00, 10201[5926]:G2(0x20000) score=23,6(38 5 18683), pids: 5926 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.425  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by Normal Service condition: com.samsung.android.providers.contacts, 15010062[7334,6035]:G2(0xa0000) score=23,5(29 5 42946), pids: 7334 6035 / stats: 19 19 / adjs: 915 850  reason: ACTIVITY_TIME
03-22 08:55:09.425  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.mcfserver, 1000[12405]:G2(0x20002) score=21,2(36 5 9534), pids: 12405 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.samsung.android.bixby.agent, elapsed: 00:25:49, interval: 04:00:00, 5018[18287]:G2(0x20002) score=20,4(32 5 15738), pids: 18287 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions, 10475[20029,19131]:G2(0x20000) score=18,3(22 10 13072), pids: 20029 19131 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: android, elapsed: 00:51:40, interval: 04:00:00, 1000[19042]:G2(0x20002) score=18,3(31 5 5917), pids: 19042 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.samsung.android.svcagent, elapsed: 00:51:40, interval: 04:00:00, 1000[19085]:G2(0x20002) score=17,8(30 5 5645), pids: 19085 / stats: 10 / adjs: 500 
03-22 08:55:09.427  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.yaxim.androidclient, 10409[13822]:G2(0x20000) score=15,5(4 5 64062), pids: 13822 / stats: 4 / adjs: 50 
03-22 08:55:09.430  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by Normal Service condition: com.samsung.android.stickercenter, 1000[16950]:G2(0x20002) score=13,8(20 5 9228), pids: 16950 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700  reason: ACTIVITY_TIME
03-22 08:55:09.434  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by Normal Service condition: com.android.providers.calendar, 10102[18783]:G2(0x20000) score=13,1(19 5 8293), pids: 18783 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700  reason: ACTIVITY_TIME
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.biometrics.app.setting, 1000[21738]:G2(0x20002) score=11,1(13 5 12861), pids: 21738 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, 10230[20349,14885]:G1(0x1) score=55,7(23 40 127100), pids: 20349 14885 / stats: 10 5 / adjs: 800 100 
03-22 08:55:09.437  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.samsung.android.oneconnect, freed: 67797, 10255[12960,13390]:G1(0x1) score=33,4(35 10 67797), pids: 12960 13390 / stats: 8 8 / adjs: 200 200 
03-22 08:55:09.443  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.vending, 10226[25018]:G1(0x1) score=13,0(3 5 51575), pids: 25018 / stats: 12 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.443  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.systemui, 10054[10714]:G2(0x20000) score=76,0(65 10 240771), pids: 10714 / stats: 5 / adjs: -800 
03-22 08:55:09.450  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.google.android.ext.services, freed: 27866, 10080[24237,24270]:G2(0x20000) score=48,5(43 40 27866), pids: 24237 24270 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.456  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.google.android.as, freed: 19282, 10284[24194,24200]:G2(0x20000) score=42,9(34 40 19282), pids: 24194 24200 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.457  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.dynamiclock, 10070[21726]:G2(0x20000) score=34,0(15 40 18505), pids: 21726 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.457  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui, 1001[27531]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(48 5 36007), pids: 27531 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.457  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.location.nsflp2, 5013[11278]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(57 5 10969), pids: 11278 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.458  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.knox.containercore, 5250[11455]:G2(0x20002) score=28,6(53 5 6891), pids: 11455 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.458  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.server.wifi.mobilewips, 1000[5432]:G2(0x20002) score=28,5(50 5 14599), pids: 5432 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.460  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.beaconmanager, 5006[19846]:G2(0x20002) score=28,2(52 5 7092), pids: 19846 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.461  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.epdg, 1000[17442]:G2(0x20002) score=27,9(49 5 13754), pids: 17442 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.461  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.kde.kdeconnect_tp, 10393[14802]:G2(0x8) score=27,8(26 20 22970), pids: 14802 / stats: 4 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.465  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.themecenter, 1000[10830]:G2(0x20002) score=27,6(51 5 6306), pids: 10830 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.470  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : org.yaxim.bruno, freed: 34707, 10202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.509  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.sec.android.easyonehand, freed: 18683, 10201[5926]:G2(0x20000) score=23,6(38 5 18683), pids: 5926 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.599  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.samsung.android.providers.contacts, freed: 42946, 15010062[7334,6035]:G2(0xa0000) score=23,5(29 5 42946), pids: 7334 6035 / stats: 19 19 / adjs: 915 850 
03-22 08:55:09.635  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.mcfserver, 1000[12405]:G2(0x20002) score=21,2(36 5 9534), pids: 12405 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.675  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.samsung.android.bixby.agent, freed: 15738, 5018[18287]:G2(0x20002) score=20,4(32 5 15738), pids: 18287 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.723  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions, 10475[20029,19131]:G2(0x20000) score=18,3(22 10 13072), pids: 20029 19131 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.724  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by wakelock       : android, 1000[19042]:G2(0x20002) score=18,3(31 5 5917), pids: 19042 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.732  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.svcagent, 1000[19085]:G2(0x20002) score=17,8(30 5 5645), pids: 19085 / stats: 10 / adjs: 500 
03-22 08:55:09.732  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.yaxim.androidclient, 10409[13822]:G2(0x20000) score=15,5(4 5 64062), pids: 13822 / stats: 4 / adjs: 50 
03-22 08:55:09.743  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.stickercenter, 1000[16950]:G2(0x20002) score=13,8(20 5 9228), pids: 16950 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700 
03-22 08:55:09.757  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.android.providers.calendar, freed: 8293, 10102[18783]:G2(0x20000) score=13,1(19 5 8293), pids: 18783 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700 
03-22 08:55:09.768  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.biometrics.app.setting, 1000[21738]:G2(0x20002) score=11,1(13 5 12861), pids: 21738 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.768  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 8 apps, freed 235312 KB
03-22 08:55:09.768  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Processing time(ms) 480
Rich968 commented 1 year ago

Implementation of foreground services for Android 13 is the same as was for 11 and 12. I have foreground service running OK in all versions testing on Samsung A04E. The problem may be with the content of your foreground service. Try removing the active content and then see if the App gets killed. Under some circumstances my App was momentarily killed and then immediately restarted on a Samsung A10, but OK with the Samsung A04E

Ashegham commented 1 year ago

اعلان: برنامه پس زمینه مسدود شد، چیست؟

Mhmdalimhmd commented 5 months ago

Apoloaguilar1212 commented 5 months ago

03-22 8:55:09.470 5028 10568 I himraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : orgyaxim.bruno, freed: 34707, 1202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 [...] 03-2 08:55:09.585 5028 11722 I ActivityManager: Process org.yaxim.bruno (pid 4548) has died: prcp FS (175,635) 03- 08:55:09.586 5028 11722 W ActivityManag: Scheduling restart of crashed service org.yaxim.bruno/org.yaxim.androidclient.service.XMPPService in 100s for start-requested

Elsyperez6r76 commented 4 months ago

Después de actualizar mi Galaxy A51 de Android 10 a Android 11, comenzó a eliminar periódicamente (o aleatoriamente) mis dos aplicaciones cliente XMPP, yaxim y Bruno, a pesar de que ambas tienen una notificación de servicio en primer plano permanente (y visible).

Irónicamente, el sistema operativo reconoce esas muertes como un bloqueo e inmediatamente reinicia la aplicación, lo que provoca una gran cantidad de tráfico de red innecesario:

03-22 08:55:09.470  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : org.yaxim.bruno, freed: 34707, 10202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.585  5028 11722 I ActivityManager: Process org.yaxim.bruno (pid 4548) has died: prcp FGS (175,635)
03-22 08:55:09.586  5028 11722 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service org.yaxim.bruno/org.yaxim.androidclient.service.XMPPService in 1000ms for start-requested

Aún más irónico es que también sigue resucitando (iniciando automáticamente) aplicaciones que he detenido manualmente antes.

ChimeraPolicyHandler parece ser un trabajo que se ejecuta varias veces por hora durante el system_serverproceso. PD muestra:

system         5028   4601 12953324 266152 0                  0 S system_server

Registro completo de una ejecución de ChimeraPolicyHandler:

03-22 08:55:09.288  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Start executePolicy: TRIGGER_SOURCE_HOME_IDLE
03-22 08:55:09.293  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: memAvailable: 750256, memFreeTarget: 890880, releaseTarget:140624, protectedLruCount: 6
03-22 08:55:09.403  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: NORMAL
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, 10230[20349,14885]:G1(0x1) score=55,7(23 40 127100), pids: 20349 14885 / stats: 10 5 / adjs: 800 100 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.samsung.android.oneconnect, elapsed: 00:54:50, interval: 04:00:00, 10255[12960,13390]:G1(0x1) score=33,4(35 10 67797), pids: 12960 13390 / stats: 8 8 / adjs: 200 200 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.vending, 10226[25018]:G1(0x1) score=13,0(3 5 51575), pids: 25018 / stats: 12 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.systemui, 10054[10714]:G2(0x20000) score=76,0(65 10 240771), pids: 10714 / stats: 5 / adjs: -800 
03-22 08:55:09.405  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.ext.services, 10080[24237,24270]:G2(0x20000) score=48,5(43 40 27866), pids: 24237 24270 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.as, 10284[24194,24200]:G2(0x20000) score=42,9(34 40 19282), pids: 24194 24200 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.dynamiclock, 10070[21726]:G2(0x20000) score=34,0(15 40 18505), pids: 21726 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui, 1001[27531]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(48 5 36007), pids: 27531 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.location.nsflp2, 5013[11278]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(57 5 10969), pids: 11278 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.knox.containercore, 5250[11455]:G2(0x20002) score=28,6(53 5 6891), pids: 11455 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.406  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.server.wifi.mobilewips, 1000[5432]:G2(0x20002) score=28,5(50 5 14599), pids: 5432 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.410  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.beaconmanager, 5006[19846]:G2(0x20002) score=28,2(52 5 7092), pids: 19846 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.410  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.epdg, 1000[17442]:G2(0x20002) score=27,9(49 5 13754), pids: 17442 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.411  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.kde.kdeconnect_tp, 10393[14802]:G2(0x8) score=27,8(26 20 22970), pids: 14802 / stats: 4 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.414  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.themecenter, 1000[10830]:G2(0x20002) score=27,6(51 5 6306), pids: 10830 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.415  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: org.yaxim.bruno, elapsed: 00:52:29, interval: 04:00:00, 10202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.416  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.sec.android.easyonehand, elapsed: 00:51:40, interval: 04:00:00, 10201[5926]:G2(0x20000) score=23,6(38 5 18683), pids: 5926 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.425  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by Normal Service condition: com.samsung.android.providers.contacts, 15010062[7334,6035]:G2(0xa0000) score=23,5(29 5 42946), pids: 7334 6035 / stats: 19 19 / adjs: 915 850  reason: ACTIVITY_TIME
03-22 08:55:09.425  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.mcfserver, 1000[12405]:G2(0x20002) score=21,2(36 5 9534), pids: 12405 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.samsung.android.bixby.agent, elapsed: 00:25:49, interval: 04:00:00, 5018[18287]:G2(0x20002) score=20,4(32 5 15738), pids: 18287 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions, 10475[20029,19131]:G2(0x20000) score=18,3(22 10 13072), pids: 20029 19131 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: android, elapsed: 00:51:40, interval: 04:00:00, 1000[19042]:G2(0x20002) score=18,3(31 5 5917), pids: 19042 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.426  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by interval: com.samsung.android.svcagent, elapsed: 00:51:40, interval: 04:00:00, 1000[19085]:G2(0x20002) score=17,8(30 5 5645), pids: 19085 / stats: 10 / adjs: 500 
03-22 08:55:09.427  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.yaxim.androidclient, 10409[13822]:G2(0x20000) score=15,5(4 5 64062), pids: 13822 / stats: 4 / adjs: 50 
03-22 08:55:09.430  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by Normal Service condition: com.samsung.android.stickercenter, 1000[16950]:G2(0x20002) score=13,8(20 5 9228), pids: 16950 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700  reason: ACTIVITY_TIME
03-22 08:55:09.434  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by Normal Service condition: com.android.providers.calendar, 10102[18783]:G2(0x20000) score=13,1(19 5 8293), pids: 18783 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700  reason: ACTIVITY_TIME
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.biometrics.app.setting, 1000[21738]:G2(0x20002) score=11,1(13 5 12861), pids: 21738 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 0 apps, freed 0 KB
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Start doKill, protected policy: HEAVY
03-22 08:55:09.435  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, 10230[20349,14885]:G1(0x1) score=55,7(23 40 127100), pids: 20349 14885 / stats: 10 5 / adjs: 800 100 
03-22 08:55:09.437  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.samsung.android.oneconnect, freed: 67797, 10255[12960,13390]:G1(0x1) score=33,4(35 10 67797), pids: 12960 13390 / stats: 8 8 / adjs: 200 200 
03-22 08:55:09.443  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.vending, 10226[25018]:G1(0x1) score=13,0(3 5 51575), pids: 25018 / stats: 12 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.443  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.android.systemui, 10054[10714]:G2(0x20000) score=76,0(65 10 240771), pids: 10714 / stats: 5 / adjs: -800 
03-22 08:55:09.450  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.google.android.ext.services, freed: 27866, 10080[24237,24270]:G2(0x20000) score=48,5(43 40 27866), pids: 24237 24270 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.456  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.google.android.as, freed: 19282, 10284[24194,24200]:G2(0x20000) score=42,9(34 40 19282), pids: 24194 24200 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.457  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.dynamiclock, 10070[21726]:G2(0x20000) score=34,0(15 40 18505), pids: 21726 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.457  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui, 1001[27531]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(48 5 36007), pids: 27531 / stats: 5 / adjs: 0 
03-22 08:55:09.457  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.location.nsflp2, 5013[11278]:G2(0x20002) score=31,1(57 5 10969), pids: 11278 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.458  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.knox.containercore, 5250[11455]:G2(0x20002) score=28,6(53 5 6891), pids: 11455 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.458  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.server.wifi.mobilewips, 1000[5432]:G2(0x20002) score=28,5(50 5 14599), pids: 5432 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.460  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.beaconmanager, 5006[19846]:G2(0x20002) score=28,2(52 5 7092), pids: 19846 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.461  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.sec.epdg, 1000[17442]:G2(0x20002) score=27,9(49 5 13754), pids: 17442 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.461  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.kde.kdeconnect_tp, 10393[14802]:G2(0x8) score=27,8(26 20 22970), pids: 14802 / stats: 4 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.465  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.themecenter, 1000[10830]:G2(0x20002) score=27,6(51 5 6306), pids: 10830 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.470  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : org.yaxim.bruno, freed: 34707, 10202[4548]:G2(0x20000) score=26,8(39 5 34707), pids: 4548 / stats: 4 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.509  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.sec.android.easyonehand, freed: 18683, 10201[5926]:G2(0x20000) score=23,6(38 5 18683), pids: 5926 / stats: 8 / adjs: 200 
03-22 08:55:09.599  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.samsung.android.providers.contacts, freed: 42946, 15010062[7334,6035]:G2(0xa0000) score=23,5(29 5 42946), pids: 7334 6035 / stats: 19 19 / adjs: 915 850 
03-22 08:55:09.635  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.mcfserver, 1000[12405]:G2(0x20002) score=21,2(36 5 9534), pids: 12405 / stats: 6 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.675  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.samsung.android.bixby.agent, freed: 15738, 5018[18287]:G2(0x20002) score=20,4(32 5 15738), pids: 18287 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.723  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions, 10475[20029,19131]:G2(0x20000) score=18,3(22 10 13072), pids: 20029 19131 / stats: 5 5 / adjs: 100 100 
03-22 08:55:09.724  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by wakelock       : android, 1000[19042]:G2(0x20002) score=18,3(31 5 5917), pids: 19042 / stats: 10 / adjs: 800 
03-22 08:55:09.732  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.svcagent, 1000[19085]:G2(0x20002) score=17,8(30 5 5645), pids: 19085 / stats: 10 / adjs: 500 
03-22 08:55:09.732  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : org.yaxim.androidclient, 10409[13822]:G2(0x20000) score=15,5(4 5 64062), pids: 13822 / stats: 4 / adjs: 50 
03-22 08:55:09.743  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by uid     : com.samsung.android.stickercenter, 1000[16950]:G2(0x20002) score=13,8(20 5 9228), pids: 16950 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700 
03-22 08:55:09.757  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Killed on trigger2 : com.android.providers.calendar, freed: 8293, 10102[18783]:G2(0x20000) score=13,1(19 5 8293), pids: 18783 / stats: 15 / adjs: 700 
03-22 08:55:09.768  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Skipped by adj     : com.samsung.android.biometrics.app.setting, 1000[21738]:G2(0x20002) score=11,1(13 5 12861), pids: 21738 / stats: 5 / adjs: 100 
03-22 08:55:09.768  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: kill complete: killed 8 apps, freed 235312 KB
03-22 08:55:09.768  5028 10568 I ChimeraPolicyHandler: Processing time(ms) 480

lordjimoh1 commented 4 months ago




Yusef705 commented 3 months ago

Vnc connect

Rudxain commented 3 months ago

Why is this issue getting spam?

Ali909090a commented 2 months ago

ارجو أصبح الجهاز