urbandroid-team / dont-kill-my-app

Android vendors, don't kill my app!
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Feedback for Samsung page #689

Open ygoe opened 11 months ago

ygoe commented 11 months ago

My Samsung phone runs Android 12 and the screens have changed considerably. The instructions for Android 11 no longer apply. I can't find the relevant settings for battery optimisation of the app. Somehow I never manage to find these settings. I believe Samsung doesn't want me to find it. Please update the page.

petrnalevka commented 11 months ago

Hello @ygoe sorry about that, we rely on community feedback. So whenever somebody sends us new screens we will include them in the guides. At the moment nobody in the team has a Samsung with Android 12.. Thank you

ygoe commented 11 months ago

Well, I have one, but it's all in German, so probably useless for your site.

MaximilianKohler commented 11 months ago

I have Android 13 with the Samsung a14 5G and I noticed that your page https://dontkillmyapp.com/samsung only goes to 11. So I came here to learn if it's still the same problem. I see that many of the options shown in the current screenshots do not exist anymore.

So existing options are:

  1. The per-app setting.
  2. Adaptive battery.
  3. Put unused apps to sleep.

I was hoping that things had improved/changed after 11, but this guy with 13 is still having the issues: https://github.com/urbandroid-team/dont-kill-my-app/issues/679

petrnalevka commented 11 months ago

Hello @MaximilianKohler I would focus on the "Put unused apps to sleep" option, this is the major headache we see on Samsung - a non standard app killing feature which isn't present in AOSP implemented only by Samsung which puts an app you did not used for X days to a mode with restricted background processing. I donot know what is the setting now, but the period was at least on some releases as short as 3 days. So you did not used your alarm clock over the weekend

MaximilianKohler commented 11 months ago

Thanks! I submitted a PR to update the page. https://github.com/urbandroid-team/dont-kill-my-app/pull/691