Changed gfortran in src/Makefile to nagfor and used make -C src, build fails with:
Extension: M_CLI2.f90, line 1152: Line longer than 132 characters
Extension: M_CLI2.f90, line 1703: Line longer than 132 characters
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 2354: Unused dummy variable WHERE
Questionable: M_CLI2.f90, line 3288: Variable IFOK set but never referenced
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5102: INT16 explicitly imported into GET_GENERIC but not used
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5102: INT32 explicitly imported into GET_GENERIC but not used
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5102: INT64 explicitly imported into GET_GENERIC but not used
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5102: INT8 explicitly imported into GET_GENERIC but not used
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5102: REAL128 explicitly imported into GET_GENERIC but not used
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5102: REAL32 explicitly imported into GET_GENERIC but not used
Warning: M_CLI2.f90, line 5258: INPUT_UNIT explicitly imported into M_CLI2 (as STDIN) but not used
Questionable: M_CLI2.f90, line 809: Last statement of DO loop body is an unconditional EXIT statement
Questionable: M_CLI2.f90, line 1301: Last statement of DO loop body is an unconditional CYCLE statement
Error: M_CLI2.f90, line 2494: Missing field width for L edit descriptor
Error: M_CLI2.f90, line 2557: Missing field width for L edit descriptor
[NAG Fortran Compiler error termination, 2 errors, 13 warnings]
and usedmake -C src
, build fails with:Error occurs for: