urbanlaunchpad / SoloCityMap

Map for participatory processes in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
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Visual encoding of projects #5

Open ohsk opened 10 years ago

ohsk commented 10 years ago

Documenting how the metadata about a given project is visually encoded, both on the map and in project lists.

General methods:

ohsk commented 10 years ago

Initial thoughts:

method indication example
color project status red project is "not completed," green project is "completed"
shape project category road polyline to show road improvement, open space polygon to show park
symbol / icon project category indicates project types, perhaps for ones that don't have a physical presence on the ap
pattern voted? hatched line could indicate projects existing that weren't voted as part of musrenbang
ohsk commented 10 years ago

Visual styling for list of projects:

ohsk commented 10 years ago

Project icon fill status could indicate whether it was voted on or not.

ohsk commented 10 years ago

Color palettes:

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